
Unit 8 When is your birthday? 单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:97次 大小:1142138Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit8单元测试卷 考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 得分 一、单项选择。(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. There are twelve in a year. A. days B. months C. hours(小时) D.years ( )2.- today? -It's Monday. A. What day is it B. What's day C. When is D. What s the date(日期) ( )3.- is your father? -He's thirty nine. A. How old B.What old C. How age D. What age ( )4. The students have some interesting things this term. A./ B.on C. at D. in ( )5. -Is your grandmother very ? -Yes. She is 90 this year. A.old B. big C. long D. strong ( )6.-What’s the month between(在……之间) May and July? A. June B. August C.October D. November ( )7. -Is his birthday on January 5th? - . A. Yes, he is B. No, it isn't C. Yes, he does D. No, it is ( )8. My birthday is on May . A. fifteen B. fifty C. fifteenth D. the fifty ( )9. -We'll have a school trip next week. - . A. Thanks B. You’re welcome C. That's all right D. Have a good time ( )10.- is the English test? -It is in the afternoon. A. What B. Where C. When D. How ( )11. comes after July. A. June B. September C. May D. August ( )12. -We have a school on weekends to the beautiful park. -Really? Sounds good. A. trip B.color C. picture D. habit ( )13. Mike is .Today is his birthday. A. twelfth; twelfth B. twelfth; twelve C. twelve; twelfth D. twelve; twelve ( )14. We have Art Festival, and festival is on May 2nd. A.at ; the B. an; the C./; the D./;a ( )15 -I’m going on vacation this weekend. - ! A. The same to you B. Have a good time C. Hurry up D. Hold on, please 二、完形填空。(10小题,每小題1分,共10分) 16 ,I’m Meg. I’m twelve years 17 .I have a brother 18 a sister. My brother is nine and my sister is 19 four. I like hamburgers and salad. My brother likes 20 and my sister likes ice-cream. We 21 many balls. We all like tennis. Today is my 22 birthday. It's January 21st. There's a big cake 23 the table, How 24 is it? Do you know? It's forty 25. Come to my mother's birthday party and have some pieces of cake. ( )16. A. Hello B. Sorry C. Please D. Thanks ( )17. A. young B. old C. big D. small ( )18.A.but B. or C. and D. with ( )19.A.no B. yes C. last D. only ( )20. A. tomatoes B.tomatos C. one tomatoes D. some tomato ( )21.A.has B. sound C. have D. play ( )22. A.mother B. mothers C.mothers’ D.mother’s ( )23.A.in B. on C. from D.to ( )24. A. much B. many C. some D.any ( )25. A. fens B. jiaos C. dollars D. yuans 三、阅读理解。(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) A My name is Zhen Zhuo. Today is my birthday. I'm twelve years old. Mom and Dad get a big cake for me. I like it very much It's on the table now. There are some other things on the table, too, such as apples, orange juice, chicken and some fish. I’m thirsty(口渴的)now. I’d like a bottle of orange juice. My friends Du Ke and Bai Jie are coming. They are knocking at the door. I have no time to drink. I must open the door now. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )26. Zhen Zhuo is . A.twelve B.ten C.nine D. fifteen ( )27. There are ... ...

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