

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:167506Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2019-2020学年浙江省台州市温岭市七年级(上)期中英语试卷 听力(共三节,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题1分,共25分) 1.(1分)What's this in English? 2.(1分)Where is the schoolbag? 3.(1分)Which(哪一个) is the girl's ID card? 4.(1分)What's Lucy' telephone number? 5.(1分)What's in the bag? 第二节:听长对话,回答问题.对话读两遍.听下面一段较长的对话,回答下列小题. 6.(4分)听下面一段较长的对话,回答下列小题. (1)Where is Sally's ruler? A. In the desk. B. On the desk. C.Under the desk. (2)What color is Frank's ruler? A. Blue. B. Green. C. Yellow. 7.(6分)听下面一段较长对话,回答下列小题. (1)What's Cindy's father's name? A. Dale. B. Tom. C. Jack. (2)How many(多少) people are there in Cindy's family ? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. (3)What are Cindy and Zhang Ming talking about? A. Cindy's family photo. B. Cindy's parents. C.Cindy's classmates. 第三节:听独白,根据内容,选择正确的选项.独白读两遍. 8.(10分)(1)where's Paul's math book? A. on the desk. B. on the bed. C. in the bookcase. (2)What color is his father's notebook? A. Black. B. Blue. C. White. (3)How many white rulers are there(有)in the room? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. (4)What are on the chair? A. a hat and a red jacket. B. Two notebooks. C. Rulers. (5)What's under the bed? A. His computer game. B. His dictionary. C. His books. 二、完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题10分,共10分)请先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出正确答案,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内. 9.(10分)Here are some nice things on the teacher's desk. They are for some of us. This is a yellow notebook.It is for Jenny. (1)   is Jenny's favorite color.On the notebook is a(2)   .It is for John.John is always late(迟到)for school,the watch can (3)   him. Is that new green schoolbag nice? It's (4)   Wang Peng.His schoolbag is too old,so he needs a new one.Oh,that is a black (5)   for Kate.She can listen to(听)English on it.And that is a blue pen for Bill.He (6)   his pen. Mr.Li buys(买) the new one for him.Here is the (7)   thing.It is an English dictionary for me.I like (8)   ,but it's not easy for me.So (9)   English teacher buys the dictionary for me.She thinks it can help me learn English well. We're very happy to have(10)   nice things from our teachers. (1)A. Yellow B. Black C. Red D. Green (2)A. ruler B. watch C. schoolbag D. notebook (3)A. come B. find C. see D. help (4)A. of B. on C. about D. for (5)A. hat B. model plane C. radio D. computer game (6)A. sees B. gets C. found D. lost (7)A. last B. second C. first D. one (8)A. art B. science C. English D. history (9)A. our B. your C. his D. her (10)A. that B. this C. these D. it 三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题6分,共30分)阅读下面3篇材料,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. 10.(6分) What are in their schoolbags? ... ...

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