
牛津英语9A Unit 7 Films单元提优试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:27160Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津英语9A Unit 7 Films单元提优试卷 一、单项选择 ( )1. Jackie Chan won _____ award_____ his role in the Police Story series in _____1980s. A. a; for ; / B. an; on ; / C. an; on ;the D. an; for; the ( )2. —_____exciting the party was! —Yes. It was_____ exciting that I would never forget it. A. What an; such B. How; such an C. What; so D. How; so ( )3. _____the concert isn’t long, _____it’s wonderful. A. Although ; but B. Although ; / C. Though ; but D. Through ;/ ( ) 4. —Is he speaking Spanish? I can hardly catch a word. — _____. He’s from Brazil, so I guess maybe it is Portuguese(葡萄牙语). A. Neither I can B. Neither can I C. So I can D. So can I ( )5. -As a first-time visitor, I don’t know__five years ago. But it is modern and beautiful now. --Thank you. I love my hometown. A. what is LianYungang like B. what LianYungang is like C. what was LianYungang like D. what LianYungang was like ( )6. I sit _____ to our monitor. As the vice-monitor(副班长), I work _____with him. A. close; close B. closely; close C. close; closely D. closely; closely ( )7. It was her _____ performance. Her successful career _____ about thirty years. A. last; last B. last; lasted for C. lasted; lasted D. lasted; last for ( )8. What do you think _____ him _____ all the time that day? A. makes; exciting B. to make; to be excited C. made; excited D. made; get exciting ( )9. Eddie reminds Hobo _____ some snacks for him when they _____ the film. A. take; watch B. to take; will watch C. bring; have watched D. to take; watch ( )10. We’ll remember Audrey _____ a great actress and _____ her kindness. A. for; for B. for; as C. as; for D. as; as ( )11. I can’t believe that you spent _____ money on _____ sheep. A. so little; such much B. so much; such a little C. such little; so few D. so much; so little ( )12. The old man lived alone all his life and he ??????a rainy winter evening. ????? A. passed away in?? B. past away in??? C. passed away on?? ??? D. past away on ( )13.-- What’s _____at the city theatre tonight? -- -A new movie. -- Is there _____? -- I’m afraid not. A. up; flew anything B. on; interesting something C. up; anything interesting D. on; anything interesting ( ) 14. He made his final _____ last winter and _____ from then on. ????? A. appear; disappeared??? B. appearance; disappeared? ? C. disappearance; appeared? ? D. appearance; appeared ( )15. —I hope I can own a private jet(私人飞机) before I am 20. ? —A private jet? _____. The cheapest one costs more than one million yuan.? A. It’s a pity. B. In your dreams. C. You’d better not. D. My pleasure. 二 完形填空:(10分) Today we still often tell the story of the movie star Marilyn Monroe (玛丽莲·梦露). She died more than thirty years ago. Yet she is still one of America’s most 1 women. Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker. Her life as a child was like a terrible 2 . Her mother got ill and she lived with a number of different people, and often was treated 3 . At 16, Norma Jean 4 a sailor(水手). But ... ...

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