
Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round.课件(28张PPT无素材)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:18965568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round. Module 10 The weather We will probably … before we go travelling. A travel plan Enjoy a video! Fast-reading: Task 1: Choose the main idea of the passage. A.The US is a very big country. B.The best time to visit California C.You can vist the US any time you like. D.The best time to visit New England. Task 2:How does the writer write the passage? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Beginning Details Ending Task 3: 1) How many places does the wrtier introduce to us? 2) What are they? So choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Careful-reading: 1.The US is about_____ from the _____to the _____. 2.In the US,you should bring_____ . Q:Why should you bring a map? Read Para1: complete the sentences and answer a question. Because you may want to travel around. Maybe you will get lost. give a reason 3000 miles west coast east coast a map The Pacific Ocean (太平洋) The Atlantic Ocean (大西洋) 3000 miles The US is the fourth largest country in the world. There are 50 states(州) in the US. Group Reading: Read Para2 to Para6 and then complete the table. Place The best time to visit Weather But in winter: Summer: Winter: New York Washington DC New England California Seattle Alaska Texas In May or October September All year round Summer Get cooler Fine Rainy snowy compare the difference Summer:warm, but cool in the evening Winter: cold/ snowy Hot and sunny compared to other places. The apple in picture A is good compared to the apple in picture B. They are very lucky compared to the African children in this picture. What will you probably take to New York? Washington DC is the capital of the US. Why does the writer advise us to visit New England in September? Because the green leaves start to turn gold, then brown. Bring a camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees. give a result Seattle is named “the Rainy City “. Alaska is the largest state. Texas is the second largest state. How often are there storms in summer and autumn? There are storms from time to time. sometimes/ at times Why does the writer advise us to bring a warm sweater in summer? In summer,the weather in the evening is very cold,so we had better bring a warm sweater. New York New England Washington DC Seattle California Alaska Texas When is the best time to visit the US? Any time you like ! Further thinking Where will you go if one day you have a chance to go to the US? And why? How will you get the information if you go travelling? Get everything ready before you go travelling! So you will enjoy yourself! Group work Top7 Popular Cities Beijing Hongkong Sanya kunming Shanghai Harbin Tianjin 1、What is the city? 2、Where is it? 3、When is the best time to visit ? 4、What might the weather be like in ... 5、What are the good places to visit? 6、What do you like to do in ... 7、What should we bring to ? Why... Tips: We can give advice and reasons by using because,so or but. They can help ... ...

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