
Module 9.2 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve(同步课件+练习)

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:55次 大小:2842556Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版英语七下 Module 9.2 Life history Unit 1 单项选择题 1.—What _____ your sister _____ in 2008? —She wrote a book _____?Hero. A.?did;?write;?call????? B.?do;?write;?called C.?did;?write;?called???? D.?do;?write;?call 2.His father _____?when he was five years old. A.?dies???? B.?die??? ??C.?to die???? ?D.?died 3.—When did he finish _____?the book? —Last week. A.?read??? ?B.?to read? ?C.?reading??? ?D.?Reads 4.—Do you like playing chess? —Yes,?and I like playing computer games _____. A.?just??? B.?also???? ?C.?either???? D.?as well 5.If you want,?you can _____?how he?studied so well. A.?look for?? B.?find out?? C.?look out?? D.?find for 阅读理解 ? ? ? ? Chinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. Mo, who was born in 1955 into a farmer’s family in Gaomi County in Shandong Province, is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In his early years, life was not easy and he experienced hunger(饥饿). These things have influenced Mo Yan’s later writings. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?60-year-old Park Geun-hye(朴槿惠)was elected(选举)the new President of South Korea in December, 2012. She becomes the country’s first female head of state and her term will last five years from 2013. “I will become a president who puts people’s living before anything else,” she told the cheering People?in central Seoul as she accepted her win. “I will keep my promises.” ? ? ? ? ? ? Barack Obama ( born in Hopolulu, Hawaii in 1961), who was elected the 44th?President of the United States in 2008, has been elected again to a second term, fighting against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. His father was from Kenya. And his mother was born in Wichits, Kansas. 6.When Mo Yan was young, his family might be _____. A. big ?? ???B. poor ??? ?C. rich ?? ?D. small When was Park Geun-hye born? A. In 1952. ?????? B. In 1955. ???? C. In 1961. ?????? D. In 1987. 8.Where was Barack Obama born? A. In Kansas. ???? B. In Kenya. ??? C. In Columbia. ? ?D. In Hawaii. 9.Which of the following is NOT true about the passages? A. The writer Mo Yan lived in a big city before he got the prize. B. Park Geun-hye will lead South Korea till the year 2018. C. Obama fought against his challenger Mitt Romney in the election. D. Among the three persons, Park Geun-hye is the oldest. 10.The three passages may be from ??????. A. an email ? ? B. a letter ??? ??C. news ???? ????D. an ad 答案解析: 单项选择题 1. C 解析:考察一般过去时疑问式。 2. D 解析:考察动词die的过去式。 3. C 解析:考察短语finish doing sth. 4. D 解析:as well用于肯定句句末。 5. B 解析:考察短语辨析。find out查明,弄清。 阅读理解 6. B 解析:吃不饱生活条件差当然是穷。 7. A 解析:计算题。2012-60 8. D 解析:Barack Obama ( born in Hopolulu, Hawaii in 1961), 9. A 解析:没提到。 10. C 解析:排除法也能选出来。 课件15张PPT。Module 9 Life historyUnit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.课程编号:TS1611020203W72090201MLY授课:Ju ... ...

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