
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A new start Reading课件(16张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:100次 大小:281090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 1 Reading Fast reading Whose first day is described in the passage? Li Kang’s first day. Some of the sentences are a bit difficult, try to understand them. Please finish exercise 4 on page 3. What is described about his first day? Please match the paragraphs with the main idea. Para. 1 the English class Para. 2 Ms Chen Para. 3 our class Para. 4 the introduction of himself Para. 5 my new school Para. 6 the class activity Careful reading Paragraph 1 Please fill in the blanks. My name is Li Kang, _____lives in Shijiazhuang, _____is the capital city of Hebei Province. who which Paragraph 2 answer the following questions What dose Li Kang think of his new school? Why does he think so? In this paragraph, which is talked about more, the teachers or the classrooms? He thinks that his new school is very good. Because the teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. The classrooms. Paragraph 3 answer the questions What does Li Kang think of the English class? He thinks it is very interesting. What makes the English class interesting? 1. The teacher is very enthusiastic. 2. The teacher uses different teaching methods. 3. We have fun in class Paragraph 4 Tell the following statements true or false The students were embarrassed at first. Some students were so embarrassed that they were difficult to carry on the activity. Ms Shen helped them through the whole class. × × × Paragraph 5 Combine para.3 and para.5, please find out some information about Ms Chen. Ms Shen is very_____ about her job. She will use different teaching _____to make her class _____. She wants to help us _____our _____and_____, especially the reading_____. She has a positive _____toward us, so all of us like her. enthusiastic method interesting improve spelling handwriting comprehension attitude Paragraph 6 65 16 49 The number of the students The number of the boys The number of the girls There are _____girls than boys in his class. In the writer’s view, the boys are _____the girls. (hard-working) twice more as hard-working as Post reading Try to finish Ex. 3 on page 2 Find something about this school which is different from Li Kang’s Junior High School. the method of teaching, more students in the class. 2. Find two things that the English teacher thinks are important to do in class. 3. Find two things that the English reading comprehension and speaking teacher wants to improve. spelling and handwriting The structure of the passage Does the diary have a conclusive paragraph? . Please add one to it. I think I will live at the new school happily and get along well with my classmates. 我想我会在新学校过得很开心,与同学相处的很好。 I do believe that I will make much progress in near future because of the good school and the help from the teachers 我敢肯定我会取得很大的进步,因为这所好学校和来自老师们的帮助。

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