
Unit 8 Detective stories 单元测试题(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:76次 大小:69122Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2019–2020学年上学期9A Unit8 单元提优 (总分:100分) 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1.—Do you know the boy is playing football over there? —Certainly. He is a friend of mine. A. whom B. which C. who D. what ( )2. The kidnapping between 9 p. m. and 1 a. m, A. took place B. took the place C. took place of D. was taken place ( )3. Don't throw away pens and erasers you haven't used up. A. where B. that C. who D. what ( )4. The first thing my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. A. which B. that C. why D. who ( )5.The old man was guilty theft in the past,but now he has nothing to do this case. A. from;of B. with;from C. of; with D. with;of ( )6. The police searching the shops on both sides of the street any possible clues. A. are;for B. are;with C. is; for D. is;with ( )7. Do you know the year the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C when D. on which ( )8. He never talked to and no one knew he did to make money. A. someone;how B. anyone;what C. everyone;where D. someone; what ( )9. Tom was seen in the street at 7:00 this morning and I told him . A. playing;don't do so B. playing;not to do so C. to play;to do so D. to play; don't do so ( )10.—Do you know the man is standing at the door? —Yes,I do. He's a friend of . A. when;I B. who;mine C. that;me D. which;my 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Once there was a very helpful and kind-hearted man. He would help anyone without expecting anything in return. One day while walking along a dusty road,the man saw a wallet,so he 11 the wallet, But then he found it was 12 .Suddenly a woman and a policeman turned up and caught him. The woman kept on asking where her money was,but the man answered,"It was empty 13 I found it." The woman shouted at him, "Please give it back to me, and it's my son's tuition(学费)." The man saw that the woman really felt 14 so he handed over all his money. He could see that the woman was a single mother. The woman left and the policeman asked the man more 15 . One day while the woman was going to her son's school,she noticed that someone was walking behind her. She thought that he 16 rob her, so she walked to a policeman. He was the same policeman that she had taken along to claim her money. The woman told him about the man following her. They ran to him,and saw that he was the same man that they had caught 17 days ago. He looked very weak and the woman was 18 The policeman said to the woman,"He wasn't the thief that day, but having heard about your situation,he gave you his money." Then the man told the woman,"Please go ahead and 18 your son's tuition. I saw you and followed you to make sure that no one would steal your money again." The woman was too moved to say 20 . Life may give you a strange experience: sometimes it shocks you and sometimes it may also surprise you. Be kind and generous. Learn to appreciate what you are given. ( )11.A. threw away B. put down C. looked for D. picked up ( )12. A. empty B. dirty C. heavy D. ch ... ...

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