
Unit 1 People around us Period 3 Grammar 同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:64次 大小:1190427Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版 七下 Unit 1 Period 3习题 一、单选 1. Brazil, ____ country in South America, will hold ___ 31th Olympic Games in August. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 2. — I like fast food for ____ breakfast. — Me, too. I always have it with ____ cup of coffee. A. a; a B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a 3. — What can I do for you, sir? — I want ____ iPhone 6S Plus for my wife as. ____ useful gift. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; the D. a; a 4. Tianjin is ____ beautiful city in ____ north of China. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; / D. /; the 5. — Dong Guijun is ____ first man of Lianyungang to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma. — He is ____ pride of us. A. the; / B. a; the C. the; the D. a; / 二、用the,a,an或/填空。 1. Jane can play ___ guitar well, but she can’t play ___ basketball. 2. Man travelled to ____ Moon many years ago. 3. — Where is Janet? — I think maybe she is in ___ bathroom. 4. Physics is ___ most difficult subject for me. 5. The glass on the table is full of ___ milk. 6. This is ___ old story, but it is interesting. 7. She speaks both ____ Cantonese and ____ Chinese. 8. ____ lady with brown hair is _____ English teacher. 9. We work five days ____ week. 10. May we have _____ look at your picture. 三、语法填空。 On 1.___ Saturday, my mother and I went to the Fairy Lake Park to take some photos. We drove a car to a nice place near the mountains. We left in the morning before 2.____ Sun got too hot. After about half 3.____ hour, we came to 4. ____ nice place. It was near a lake, with some large trees beside it. We took some interesting photos of the mountains and the lake as well as some beautiful birds. My mother is 5.____ good photographer(摄影师). Taking pictures is one of her hobbies. In 6. ____ afternoon, we went to 7.____ good concert at the City Hall. The violinist there is famous all over 8.____world. We were really excited and it was 9.____ great fun to take photos with the violinist, for he was 10.____ interesting and humourous musician. 阅读短文 Mary?is?an?American?schoolgirl.?She?is?now?in?Beijing?with?her?parents.?She?doesn't?know?Chinese,?but?she?is?trying?(努力)?to?study?and?speak?it.?She?often?tries?to?speak?Chinese?to?her?Chinese?friends.?Sometimes?they?don't?understand?(理解)?her,?because?she?can't?speak?Chinese?well. It's?Saturday?morning.?Mary?goes?out.?She?is?on?her?way?to?the?park.?She?is?going?there?to?see?a?flower?show?(展览).?But?she?doesn't?know?how?to?get?there.?She?asks?a?Chinese?boy.?The?boy?can't?understand?her.?Then?she?takes?out?a?pen?and?some?paper.?She?draws?flowers?on?it,?gives?the?picture?to?the?boy?and?says?something?about?it.?The?boy?smiles?and?then?shows?(指给)?Mary?the?way?to?the?park. (??)?1.?Where?does?Mary?live?now??She?lives?in?____.? ????? A.?America???B.?England???C.?China????D.?Canada??? (??)?2.?She?can?speak?____?Chinese.? ????? A.?much????B.?a?little???C.?little????D.?a?few??? (??)?3.?She?likes?____?Chinese?with?her?____.? ????? A.?speak,?parents?????B.?speaking ... ...

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