
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 跟综测试卷(SectionA+Section B+单元测试)(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:4514424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    跟 踪 测 试 卷 Unit 8 单元测试 一、基础知识(共35分) I. 根据句意提示完成句子。(10分) 1. Don’t make any n_____ . They are sleeping 2. You’d better put on your c_____ because it’s very cold today . 3. --The students aren’t in the classroom . Where are they ? --Oh, they are in the l_____ . I think w_____ are the bravest animals . When you lose your way , you can ask the p_____ for help . II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Her father is a famous _____ (history ) 2. Those heroes killed many _____ (enemy) in the war . 3. The _____ (lead ) from different countries are going to attend the meeting . 4. Mary went to a _____(medicine ) school to study medicine . 5. As we all know , there are many _____ (mystery ) in space . III. 单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1 Please tell the children not to make any _____ here . We are having a meeting . A smell B. voice C. noise ( ) 2. They both have _____ homework to do , so they may be _____busy doing it now . A much too ; too much B. too much ; much too C. too many; much too ( ) 3. The passengers _____ show their ID cards before getting on the plane . A might B. must C. could ( ) 4. --Look at the boy running there ! Is it David ? --It _____ be him . I saw him go to the teachers’ office just now . A must B. can’t C. could ( ) 5. There aren’t many tickets left for the concert . You’d better _____ that you get one today . A make sure of B. make a decision C. make sure ( ) 6. Our teacher was very happy because _____ failed the examination A somebody B. nobody C. anybody ( ) 7. Look! The man must _____ catch the bus . A is running to B. be running to C. is running for ( ) 8. The book is on Tina’s desk . _____ it is hers. A Maybe B. May be C. Can ( ) 9. Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman astronaut _____ has ever traveled in space . A whom B. which C. who ( ) 10. --Philip has gone to New Zealand . --Oh, can you tell me _____ ? A when did he leave B. when he is leaving C. when he left ( ) 11. --Where is our teacher ? --I think she _____ be in the office , but I’m not sure . A must B. might C. have to ( ) 12. --Look ! Is that man over there our math teacher ? --It _____ _be him . But I’m not sure . A might not B. couldn’t C. might ( ) 13. The light in his room is on . He _____ be in it. A must B. should C. would ( ) 14. Mary _____ for her English test because she wants to get a good grade . A must studying B. must be studying C. might studying ( ) 15. --What’s the matter with Tom ? He has been absent for two days . --Oh! He _____ be ill . Let’s go and ask Ms Brown . A can B. need C. may 交际运用(共15分) IV. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。(方框中有一个选项是多余的)(5分) A. I think it’s closed now . B. so it must belong to him . C. Do you think the library is open at this time of day ? D. But I think it must be crowded now . E. Whose schoolbag is it ? F. Would you please go with me ? Linda : Helen , it’s time for dinner . Let’s go to the dining hall together . He ... ...

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