
小学英语外研版(三年级起点)六年级上册 Module 10 小测试(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:37次 大小:15253Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级M10小测试 单选(10分) ( )1._____run in the street. Doesn’t B.Don’t C.Not ( )2.You can help me_____English. learn B.learns C.learning ( )3.Don’t be late_____school. for B.of C.in ( )4.Hurry up.It’s ten____eight now.School starts at eight o’clock. past B.to C.of ( )5.--Chinese is difficult_____,you know. --But I can help you. learn B.learning C.to learn ( )6.--Excuse____.How do I get to the zoo? --Sorry,I’m new here. me B.my C.I ( )7.Look at the rules.It____,“Don’t talk aloud.” say B.says C.saying ( )8.Don’t walk____the grass. in B.on C.at ( )9.Don’t cross the road.The light is____now. green B.red C.blue ( )10.You must know the traffic____when you cross the road. A.ruler B.a ruler C.rules 选词填空。(5分) Please_____(speak/speaking)English. _____(Don’t/Doesn’t)talk with Daming. He_____(speak/speaks)English well. He_____(don’t/doesn’t)talk with Daming. They_____(learn/learns)English,but they_____(don’t/doesn’t)learn French. 情景交际。(5分) ( )16.体育课上,老师让大家站成一排,他会说: Please stand in line. B.Please stand up. ( )17.你看到大明急匆匆往前走,你想知道他去哪里,你会问: What are you doing? B.Where are you going? ( )18.你去图书馆借书,你把图书卡递给管理员时会说: Here is my library card. B.I want to read English books. ( )19.老师带领大家过马路,看到红灯亮了,老师会说: A.The light is red.Please don’t cross. B.Now it’s green.You can go. ( )20.你想问如何到达博物馆,你会问: A.How can I get to the museum? B.Do you know the museum in this city? 阅读理解(10分) Daming lives near a library.He often walks to the library at the weekends.He likes reading in the library.He also borrows some books from the library.The library opens at nine in the morning and closes at five in the afternoon.There’re many people in the library everyday.But they don’t talk in the library.They’re all quiet.They all like reading books.If you want to borrow books,you should show your library card and return the books in two weeks. ( )21.The library is____Daming’s house. in B.near C.far ( )22.Daming goes to the library_____. by bus B.by bike C.on foot ( )23.You can stay in the library for_____hours a day. A.9 B.8 C.7 ( )24.People should_____in the library. be quiet B.sing songs C.talk ( )25.We should return the books in_____days. fourteen B.twenty-one C.thirty 写作。(10分) Tom is starting school this September.Please tell him some class rules.(至少写出7条) _____ 答案 1-5 BAABC 6-10 ABBBC 11 speak 12 Don’t 13 speaks 14 doesn’t 15 learn don’t 16-20 ABAAA 21-25 BCBAA

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