
Unit 4 General Revision 1. Task 1-Task 2 课件(54张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:21次 大小:68896256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Task I and Task II name hobby age favourite... family job watch TV do homework have breakfast play the piano go shopping Guess, what is in the box? It’s a quarter past seven. It’s seven fifteen. What time is it ? It’s eight o'clock. What time is it ? It’s nine thirty. It’s half past nine. What time is it ? It’s six ten. It’s ten past six. What time is it ? have classes Look And Say get up Look And Say have lunch Look And Say go home Look And Say go to bed Look And Say go to school Look And Say watch TV Look And Say have dinner Look And Say have lunch Look And Say have dinner Look And Say get up Look And Say have classes Look And Say watch TV Look And Say go to bed Look And Say Twelve Beijing,China Doctor Teacher Six One A.go to school B.classes begin C.watch TV or play the piano D.have breakfast E. get up F. go home G. have lunch H. school is over I.do my homework J.go to bed K. have dinner Time Activities Time Activities 7:00 7:30 after that 8:00 around 12:00 4:00 then after school 7:00 after dinner about 10:00 1.How many subjects does Li Yan have? What are they? 2.How many lessons does she have every day? 3. What’s Li Yan’s favorite subject? Name :_____ Age:_____ get up at 6:30 Activities Time Write a passage about your daily life. Please send it to me or your friend.

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