
Unit 4 General Revision 1. Task 11-Task 12课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:4929180Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Task 11 --Task 12 (人教精通英语三年级起六年级下册) Unit 4 General Revision 1 fall 1st 2nd 3ird 4th spring summer autumn winter Spring is the first season of the year . 有些事情不是不能说,也不是不可以说,而是没法说,因为大自然是神奇的: 请关注今天的天气预报: 天气随季节而改变 sunny 晴朗的 cloudy 多云的 rainy 有雨的 snowy有雪的 windy 有风的 cold 寒冷的 hot 炎热的 weather A:What’s the weather like today ? B:It’s … 每一个季节都是大自然的信使 每一份阳光、每一滴雨露都是大自然 送给人类最好的礼物…… Let’s read and guess 1.Which season is it ? 2.When does it begin ? 3.What’s the weather like …? 4.What do people do in …? It’s a green season. It is the first season of the year .In China ,it begins around March.It gets warmer and warmer . The days get longer and longer .The trees have new green leaves . Some animals wake up from their long sleep . Farmmers can farm the land .People can go on spring outings . Children can fly kites . farm the land go on spring outings fly kites It’s a green season. It is the first season of the year .In China ,it begins around March.It gets warmer and warmer . The days get longer and longer .The trees have new green leaves . Some animals wake up from their long sleep . Farmmers can farm the land .People can go on spring outings . Children can fly kites . Play football… take a walk… pick apples cut rice golden season 金色的 It is a golden season .It is the third season of the year .It begins around September . The weather gets colder and colder . The days get shorter and shorter . The leaves are yellow and brown . The farmers are very busy .They usually pick apples and cut rice .They are very happy … Hello,everyone. It is the second and the hottest season . It begins around June .It is very hot .There’s a lot of rain .sometimes there is heavy rain . People can go on trips ,Children can go to a summer camp and have summer holidays . It’s the hottest season . The weather is _____ . very hot There is often a lot of_____ . rain heavy rain go camping go on a trip go swimming have summer holidays What do people do in summer ? Hello,everyone.Winter is coming . It is the fourth and the last season . It begins around December . It is very cold. It often snows in winter . sometimes there is heavy snow . People sweep the snow. Children can make a snowman and go skating. Gao Wei: How many _____are there in a year ? Kate: Oh, there are_____ in a year ? Gao Wei : What are they ? Kate: _____ . Gao Wei : Can you tell me something about them ? Kate: Sure!_____ of the year . It ‘s the _____ _____._____of the year . It’s the hottest _____. _____of the year . It’s the golden _____. _____is the four _____of the year . It’s the _____.It’s cold and it often snows in winter. Gao Wei : Thank you ! Kate: My pleasure ! Listen ,write and read . Task 11 Task 12 Read ,write and talk Seasons Months Weather Activities Spring March Warmer and warmer /longer and longer farm ... ...

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