

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:2415104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 最新外研版新标准英语九年级上册期末试题及答案 I. 根据中文提示完成句子。每空一词,缩写词算一词。 1. 你认为他的画怎么样? What do you ___ ___ his drawing? 2. 我们一起去玩电脑游戏吧。 ____ ____ computer games together. 3. 下午去散步怎么样? ____ ____ ___ for a walk this afternoon? 4. 他给了我们许多帮助 He has given us ___ ___ ___ help. 5. 周末你通常什么时候回家? When do you usually ___ ___ on the weekends? 6. 今天我想步行去上学。 I ___ ___ ____ go to school on foot today. 7. 食堂与体育馆相邻。 The dinning hall is ___ ___ the gym. 8. 那女孩会骑自行车。 The girl ___ ____ a bike. 9. 琳达,你能帮我拍照吗? Linda, could you help me _____ ____ _____? 10. 女孩们一年到头持续锻炼。 The girl kept in training ___ ____ ____ ___. 11. 没有人知道鸟类和兽类为什么打仗。 _____ ____ knows what the birds and the beasts fought about. 12. 我们把烂杯子扫走吧。 Let's _____ ____ the broken glass. 13. 电话线此刻占线。 The line's busy _____ _____. 14. 玩火危险。 It is dangerous to _____ _____ fire. 15. 这好消息使她高兴。 The news ___ her ____. 16. 不仅是你,他也错了。 ____ ____ you ____ ____ he ____ wrong. 17. 直到我们收到总公司的信,我们才能给您答复。 Until we____ ____ head office we can give you an answer. 18. 我不在时,请帮我看房子。 Please___ ____ my house during my absence. 19. 我将先把我的照片发给你。 I will ___ my photo ____you first. 20. 我乒乓球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 I used to ___ ___ ___ cricket, but now I'm out of practice. 21. 昨天我向刘星借了几张报纸。 Yesterday I ____ some ____ ____ paper from Liu Xing. 22.你发现和外国人用英语对话困难吗? Do you find ___ hard to ____ ____ with foreigners in English? 23. 他为这台电脑付了多少钱? How much did he _____ ____ the book? 24. 去骑马如何? ____ ____going on a horse ride? 25. 他既种菜也种花。 He grows flowers ___ ___ ___vegetables. 26..路上雪太多,因此他迟到了。 There were too much snow on the road. ____ ___ ___, he was late. 27. 那男孩不敢回家,因为他考得很差。 The boy ___ ___ ___ ___ back home because he got a bad mark at school. 28. 春天来了,天气一天比一天暖和了。 Spring has come. It is getting warmer ___ ____ ____. 29. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。 We should brush our teeth ___ ___ twice a day. 30. 呃,让我想想看,那是总共3美元。 Er, let me see, it's three dollar ___ ___. 31. 那老人喜欢听孙子讲学校里发生的事情。 The old man likes to ___ ____his grandchildren ___ ___ him about what happened at school. 32. 我们希望我们能这样做。 We hoped that we should ___ ___ ___ do that. 33. 起初我们并没有意识到她的伤口的严重性。 ___ ___ we didn't realized the severity of her wounds. 34. 我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。 We can talk to those who live ___ ___by telephone. 35. 蛇咬了农夫的胸部。 The snake ____ the farmer ____ ____ _____. 36. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。 ____ _____ ____ _____to learn English well. 37. 她姐姐已不在这里住了。 Her sister ___ live here ___ ____. 38. 他以成功的作家而闻名。 He is ___ ____ a successful writer. 39. 你们的校报怎么了? ____ _____ ____ your school newspaper? 40. ... ...

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