
【期末复习】Unit 3 My friends Review课件+教案 +素材

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:42次 大小:8770670Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站 U3 My friends Review 课文标题: My friends 单元名称: U3人教(PEP)版小学英语四年级下册 U3 Review--课件 教材版本: PEP Primary English 授课年级: Grade 4 姓名: 教 学 过 程 Procedures Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities Notes Step I Warming up & Revision Hello Time:?Sing the song Review :?Say the story Look carefully:look at the words and say 复习相关歌曲以及句型。 复习He’s ,She’s及相关的形容身体状态的名称。 Step II. Presentation& Practice T:It’s our PK time,Ready?? T:Game 1 Let's say and guess:T:What’s his name ?/Who is he ?. 问一个学生:教师按画面内容依次让学生描述班级同学并让其他人进行猜想,给学生逐一展示故事句型内容。 T:Game 2-- Get it : Help him to eat:根据图片内容让学生进行朗读相关内容帮助哪吒吃掉小妖怪 T:Game 3--Beat it : Beat the dragon:朗读风火轮上内容帮助哪吒打败龙王 T:Game 4--Let's try it: Help him :帮助太乙真人夺得包子--通过朗读包子上的内容 学生回答 Go 学生回答: She’s/He’s.... 。 当这名学生回答后继续问其他的学生。让大部分学生能够会问和答。 学生观看画面看词并进行抢答 学生观看画面看词并进行抢答 学生观看画面看词并进行抢答 单元主图轻松直接创设语 Step III Production 1.Weather?report 教师在黑板上同时贴出标有身体状态的图片。 2.Guessing?game 教师出示一些卡片,卡片里面画有相应的不同的人物 一名学生到前面来当预报员,其他学生可以举手表述:She’s/He’s…,She/He has...,Who is she/he /What’s her/his name??预报员要根据图上所表明的身体状态作出相应的回答。 通过教师的描述让学生猜出他们的是谁并选出教师所表达的人物图片 Step IV Summary 总结本课学习内容。 同教师一起复述和总结本课学习内容。 Step V Homework 1.熟练朗读文本。 2.有条件的同学用所学英语给家长或自己的朋友(同学)描述。 本课课文情景的真实再现。 (课件网) U3 My friends -- Review Let's sing and do! Let's say it: Let's say it: Let's say it: tall and strong short brown hair long black hair quiet friendly glasses blue shoes short and thin Look carefully PK Time: Let's say and guess: A:He's short and thin,He has two big eyes. He's cute.What's his name ? Your turn to say: A:She/He's _____,She/He has _____. She/He's _____.What's her/his name ? Get it : He's short and thin. He has two big eyes. She's cute. What's her name ? short brown hair friendly long black hair glasses tall and strong short and thin quiet blue shoes Beat it : I have a good friend. A boy or a girl Who is he ? Who is he ? Is he Wu Yifan? Is he Wu Yifan? Yes ,you are right Let's try it: She's short and thin What's her name ? He‘s very friendly. It's me I have a new friend Really?A Chinese friend? His name is Zhangpeng Look,He’s tall and strong. Congratulations ! Summary: words:tall and strong, short brown hair, long black hair, quiet, friendly, glasses, short and thin,blue shoes Sentences:She/He's _____. She/He has _____. What's her/his name ? Goodbye ... ...

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