
人教新目标 九年级上册英语期末复习专题 单项选择(原卷+解析卷)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:84次 大小:83089Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教新目标2019-2020学年九年级上册期末--单项选择 单项选择 一 1.This is useful dictionary. I bought it in_____ bookstore near my neighborhood. A.an; a B.an; the C.a; an D.a; the 2.The writing brush is used writing the teacher. A.for; by B.by; for C.as; by D.by; as 3.Tom can't find his sports bag. The one under the chair must belong to . A.his B.he C.him D.himself 4.The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her. A.so that B.because C.since D.when 5.I don't believe that this boy can paint such a nice picture. A.five years old B.five﹣years﹣old C.five﹣year﹣old D.five year old 6. from your problems is a race you'll never win. A.Taking away B.Running away C.Putting off D.Getting off 7.﹣You look worried, Kate. ﹣I have to a math test this afternoon. I feel kind of nervous. A.take B.study C.past D.fail 8.﹣Let's go climbing,shall we? ﹣You _____ be joking!Don't you know I'm afraid of high places? A.may B.can C.must D.should 9.﹣When did you ? ﹣I've for half a year. A.be married; been married B.get married; been married C.marry; got married D.get married; married 10.With the development of science and technology,robot cooks _____ in our families in the future. A.appear B.appeared C.will appear D.is appearing 11.Emily preferred TV at home to to the party. A.watching; going B.to watch; go C.watching; go D.to watch; going 12.This is the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. A.which B.that C.whom D.who 13.﹣Sorry,I couldn't do more to help you get that job. ﹣_____.There will be other jobs. A.It's up to you B.It's no big deal C.Well,that's too bad D.Well,it's hard to say 14.﹣Mum, could I play computer games for a while now? ﹣ . You must finish your homework first. A.Of course B.No way C.No problem D.No doubt 15.Teenagers should chances to express their ideas. A.give B.gave C.to give D.be given 二 1.This is the room in _____ Uncle Tom once lived. A.which B.that C.where D.what 2.﹣What's wrong with you,Eric?You look tired. ﹣I_____to prepare for the final exam last night. A.picked up B.woke up C.put up D.stayed up 3.﹣I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake! ﹣Oh,dear,you must be very _____ at the ball! A.embarrassed B.satisfied C.tired D.surprised 4.After half an hour, other students began to in the schoolyard. A.take off B.get out of C.come out of D.show up 5.﹣﹣﹣I haven't seen Bob for a week. Where has he gone? ﹣﹣﹣The boss him because he was late for work many times. A.kicked; off B.got; off C.saw;off D.took;off 6.﹣﹣﹣Is reading good for me to learn English? ﹣﹣﹣Yes. You read, you can understand English A.More: better B.The more: the best C.The most, the best D.The more: the better 7.﹣﹣﹣Barcelona lost the match last night. ﹣﹣﹣ It is unbelievable. They always win. A.How come? B.Never mind. C.I can't agree more D.That's common 8.﹣Di ... ...

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