
Unit 2 A new student Sound time 教案(含说课)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:80次 大小:11925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级上册 第二单元 Teaching contents 教学内容 Sound time & Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 复习巩固:Is/are there …? How many … are there …? It’s/They’re on the … floor; 2. 能读Sound time中的内容,知道字母c的发音; 3. 读懂Cartoon time中的内容,掌握常见的短语:Let’s go and play! Push me! You’re so heavy. It’s too high! There is/are … 并能运用到日常生活中去; 4. 能正确理解并朗读Cartoon time故事内容,读懂故事的幽默,在教师指导下表演故事。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点: 复习和巩固句型Is/are there …? How many … are there …? It’s/They’re on the … floor; 能正确跟读Sound time,会唱歌谣。 2. 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,在教师指导下表演故事内容; 3. 掌握常见短语Let’s go and play! Push me! You’re so heavy. It’s too high! There is/are … 教学难点: 句型Is/are there …? How many … are there …? It’s/They’re on the … floor. 的正确使用。 字母c的发音。 3. Cartoon time中语言点的理解和掌握。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1. Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss ... T: Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you too. Game: Do morning exercise . Sing a chant. T: Boys and girls. After singing the chant, can you tell me the sound of letter c? S:/k/. T:Great! Let’s read other words ,can you find the sound of letter c? 【设计意图:通过热身歌曲帮助学生回忆上节课的内容,引出新授歌曲和字母c的发音。】 Step 2 Sound time First, look at these words, read after the tape. Then, clap your hands to sing it together. Last,. Find the sound difference of letter c. Step 3 Cartoon time T: You really did a good job, now let’s play a game to read these words, when you see the pictures you clap your hands. T:Great, who are they? S:They are Sam and Bobby... 【设计意图:通过游戏练习语音部分单词从而从游戏中引出卡通课文的图片,从而引出新课。】 1. T: (出示Cartoon time 图1) Look, Bobby and Sam are in the playground. Let’s see what they are doing there. (播放动画) 2. T: Now I have some questions for you. (PPT呈现) Please listen and answer. T: Where are Sam and Bobby? (播放图1录音) S: They are in the playground. T: What’s in the playground? S: There’s a swing. (教授swing) T: Can Bobby push Sam? Why? (播放图2录音) S: No, he can’t, because Sam is so heavy. (教授 push; heavy) T: How does Bobby say it? (提醒学生模仿录音语调) S: You’re so heavy, Sam! T: Is Bobby happy on the swing? Why? (播放图3录音) S: No, he isn’t, because he is afraid. It’s too high. (教授 high; afraid) T: How does Bobby say it? (提醒学生模仿录音语调) S: Stop, Sam! It’s too high! T: Do they like to swing? (播放图4录音) S: Sam likes to swing, but Bobby doesn’t. T: What does Sam say? (提醒学生模仿录音语调) S: It’s great fun! Let’s play again! T: What does Bobby say? S: Oh no! It’s time for dinner. Let’s go home now. T: Will Sam and Bobby play on the swing again? Why? S: Sam will play it again, because he likes the swing and he enjoys it. But Bobby will not, because the swing is too high ... ...

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