
Unit3 Holiday fun Story time 学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:34次 大小:298919Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Holiday fun (Story time) 学校_____ 班级_____ 姓名_____ 【教学目标】 知识目标: ①能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词或短语holiday, National Day. ②能听懂、会说和会读单词或短语call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, came, great fun, caught, ate. ③能听懂、会说、会读和会写句子Where did you/he go for the holiday? What did you/he do for the holiday? Did you/he…? Yes, I/he did./No, I/he didn’t. How was your holiday? Why? Because… 能力目标: 培养学生运用一般过去时的疑问句谈论假期趣事的能力。 情感目标: 通过学习,引导学生发现生活的乐事,并能与人分享自己的快乐。 【课前准备】 常规预习: 听Unit3 Story time部分录音,跟读三遍,理解其意思并翻译,不理解的单词可以查询单词表。 预习导学: 一般过去时的疑问句型: 一般疑问句: Did +主语+动词原形+其它? 回答:Yes, xxx did./ No, xxx didn’t. 特殊疑问句: Where did you go for the holiday? 假期你去了哪里? 回答:I went to Shanghai with my parents. What did you do for the holiday? 假期你做了什么? 回答:I picked many apples on the farm. How was your holiday? 你的假期怎样? 回答:It was great fun. Why did you call me? 你为什么打电话给我? 回答:Because… (2)词组归纳: come back to school 回到学校 the National Day holiday 国庆节假期 at home 在家 the Bund 外滩 the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 many interesting things 许多有趣的事情 holiday fun 假期趣事 great fun 非常有趣的事 Star Lake 星星湖 catch a big fish 抓一条大鱼 (3)不规则动词的过去式: come-came catch-caught eat-ate 预习自测: 根据课文内容进行判断,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 ( )1. Liu Tao and Mike are talking about their summer holiday.. ( )2. Liu Tao visited his uncle this holiday. ( )3. Liu Tao saw many interesting things in Shanghai. ( )4. Mike picked some oranges and ate them. ( )5. Mike caught a big fish and ate it. 【课堂活动】 Step1 Greetings Step2 Pre-reading T: Children’s Day is a holiday. What other holidays do you know? Let’s enjoy some pictures about holidays. Look , what holiday is it? (Learn: National Day) T: From Oct 1st to Oct. 7th, we have a seven-day holiday. This is the National Day holiday. (Learn : the National Day holiday) Fast talking T: I went to Henan during the National Day holiday. I visited my husband’s family there. Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? Ask several students. Step3 While-reading 1.Watch and choose T: How about Mike and Liu Tao? What did they do for the National Day holiday? Please watch and choose. Where did they go for the holiday? ( ) ( ) A B C ( Learn: farm) Read and find T: What did Liu Tao do in Shanghai? (Learn: the Bund and the Shanghai Museum) What do you think of Liu Tao’s holiday?(板书:interesting, great,wonderful,happy…) Read and circle T: Liu Tao’s holiday was interesting , how was Mike’s holiday? (Learn: great fun 板书) Read and tick T: What was great fun for Mike? (Learn: caught) Think and say T: Any other fun for Mike during the holiday? Work in four ,discuss and say. You can begin with: Mike caught a big fish… (Learn:ate) Step4 After-reading 1.Read after the tape 2.Ask and answer T: ... ...

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