
Unit 4 Time Review and Rewards 课件(45张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:20149599Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Time Tell the time, plan your life! Can you chant If you can chant, tick now & stick later. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten +10 teen eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred X10 ty Save more time! When you get 1 point, your group can get 5 mins (a big step on your clock) 组员每得一分,可自己拨时钟5分钟(表盘上分针走一大格) Listen, read and think What's the problem If you don't get up, you'll be late! Just 5 minutes more to snuggle with Teddy. 3 minutes to wash. Then 8 minutes to eat. Now 2 minutes to give Sammie a treat. Then 6 minutes to brush her teeth and her hair. And 7 minutes to dress. Now 4 minutes to pack all the things. And 1 minute to hug a friend. She's almost too late! Can she make some free time tomorrow What's the problem Read and count How much time does she use If you don't get up, you'll be late! Just 5 minutes more to snuggle with Teddy. 3 minutes to wash. Read and count Write the numbers in Part B. 5 3 Then 8 minutes to eat. Now 2 minutes to give Sammie a treat. Then 6 minutes to brush her teeth and her hair. And 7 minutes to dress. Now 4 minutes to pack all the things. And 1 minute to hug a friend. How much time does she take, from the time she wakes up She's almost too late! Can she make some free time tomorrow 7:36 What time does the girl wake up It’s ... It's 7:00. Let's get up! What time is it It's 7:05. Let's wash! What time is it It's 7:08. Let's eat! What time is it It's 7:16. Let's treat! What time is it It's 7:18. Let's brush! What time is it It's 7:24. Let's dress! What time is it It's 7:31. Let's pack! What time is it It's 7:35. Let's hug! It's 7:36. She's almost too late! Can she make some free time tomorrow If I am the girl… Talk with your group Notes on Part C Share ideas 1 Free time The Bell and Drum Towers Tell the time, plan the life! Chinese Timers Some tell time with the sun. Chinese Timers Some tell time with the water. Chinese Timers Some tell time with the fire. Enjoy your free time Stay and play Homework 1. Check and Rewards 在线听说练习,完成即贴sticker 2. Finish worksheet part D. 完成任务单 3. Go to the Bell and Drum Towers. 参观钟鼓楼 Homework 2. Write the time of your morning; draw 3 on the clocks; set the others with your own clock. 在D栏写一写你早晨的时间安排(写单词不写数字,可借助number list );任选三个在表盘上画出,其余自己动手拨一拨。

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