
高中 英语人教版必修1Unit2 English around the world Period 4 语法专题课 学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:14次 大小:50150Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 English around the world Period 4 语法专题课 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (Ⅱ) 复习 Ⅰ.Change the sentences from direct speech into indirect speech. 1.She said,“I want to go swimming now.” ? 2.She said,“John,when did you set off for the swimming pool?” ? 3.She said to John,“Do you come here by bike or by bus?” ? 4.She said,“Practice makes perfect.” ? Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks. 1.A.She said,“My brother left home three years ago.” B.She said     brother         home three years    .? 2.A:He asked me,“Will you go to the park this evening.” B:He asked me     I     to the park     evening.? 3.A:She said,“What are you doing?” B:She asked me             doing.? 4.A:He said,“Light travels much faster than sound.” B:He said that light    much faster than sound.? Ⅲ.Multiple choice. 1.I asked them     they got married.? A.who       B.that       C.which       D.when 2.She asked me     I would like to go to see a film with her.? A.that B.if C.what D.which 3.—What did she think of the film? —She said she    .? A.had never seen a better one B.had never seen so better one C.has never seen a so good one D.has never seen such a good one 4.Tina told me that she had visited the park   ,so she didn’t want to go with us.? A.last week B.a week ago C.two weeks before D.before two weeks 5.Would you like to tell me      the key to her bicycle?? A.where Salina had put B.where had Salina put C.where has Salina put D.where Salina has put 6.The teacher said that    .? A.practice made perfect B.practice would made perfect C.practice makes perfect D.practice will make perfect 感受新知 The teacher told us to open our books. asked me to help my deskmate. requested my deskmate to repeat the sentence. advised my deskmate to read the text carefully after class. (suggested that my deskmate should read the text carefully after class.) commanded us not to make any noise. ordered Jack to come up to her office. told us to hand in our homework the next day. Conclusion of the rules: 1.General rules:v. sb.(not)to do 2.Which verb to choose? (1)a command:   ,   ,command.? (2)a request:   ,   .? (3)a suggestion:   ,suggest that...(should)do或者suggest doing...? 3.Don’t forget the change of persons,tenses,pronouns and adverbials. 巩固运用 Ⅰ.Brainstorming Brainstorm about what the mother said when you reached home after school yesterday. The mother said,“Take off your overcoat.” “Turn off the TV.” “You’d better do your homework now.” “Look after your little sister.” “Please pass the salt to me.” ... The mother  .?  .?  .?  ,?  .? Ⅱ.Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1.She asked John to help him carry this box.? 2.The teacher asked him to turn off the light when he leaves the classroom.? 3.The teacher ordered us not make any noise.? 4.Jack suggested to sell the old car and buy a new one.? Ⅲ.Multiple choice. 1.—What did the teacher say? —He told me     ... ...

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