
Unit 3 My abilities 课件(16张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:1404590Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 My abilities Good morning, boys and girls. Revision Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book. dance Let's do Presentation read jump sing draw write pair work read. sing. write. dance. jump. draw. I can What can you do Let’s chant Dance, dance, I can dance.Read, read, I can read. Jump, jump, I can jump.Draw, draw. I can draw. Write, write, I can write.Sing, sing, I can sing. Dance, dance, I can dance. Read, read, I can read. I can read a little book. Jump, jump, I can jump. I can jump a little higher. Draw, draw.I can draw. I can draw a little tree. Write, write, I can write. I can write a little rhyme. Sing, sing, I can sing. I can sing a little song. How old are you Happy Birthday to You! I am seven years old . How old are you Homework (1) 听录音第16页,并跟读,家长签字。(五遍) (2) 完成练习册第12页。 谢 谢Unit 3 My abilities 教材分析 学生已在Unit 1的儿歌里初步学习了I can…的句式。本课重点教sing 这个词,draw, read 教师偏重于学生自学,学生的学习积极性在教师有声色的英语教学活动中明显调动起来了。 教学目标 能听懂指令Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book.做出反应,并尽量认读句型。 能在恰当的情景中问答年龄,并认读句型。 能听、说、认、读6个词汇dance, read, jump, sing, draw, write。 能听、说、认、读Let’s play 中的句型I can… 能演唱歌曲。 教学重难点 教学重点: 要求学生能在恰当的情景中问答年龄,并认读句型How old are you -I’m seven years old. 教学难点: Let’s act部分命令句式难度较大,采用层层渗透和提前铺垫的方法降低难度,使学生从反映-听懂-理解-会说,逐步学会句式。 课前准备 课件、磁带、录音机、单词卡片等。 教学过程 1. Revision T: Good morning,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Lucy. T: How are you Ss: Fine, thank you (1) 师生同唱歌曲Good morning复习问候语Good morning.. (2) 教师与学生一起边说口令边做动作(Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book)既活跃了气氛又复习、巩固了上节课所学的知识。 2. Presentation (1) 导入 T: You are great. Today we’ll go on learning Unit 3 My abilities. (2) 学习新知 Let’s enjoy部分 a. Let’s do I say and you do 教师说单词学生做动作。速度由慢至快,检查学生对dance, read, jump, draw, write, sing等6个单词的反应。 Pair work 教师让学生两人一组活动,一个学生说单词,另一个学生做动作,而后交换。 b.教师在黑板上板书之后,顺势提问T: What can you do 教师适当解释其含义,引导学生用I can…句型进行回答。 c. Let’s chant 教师将dance, read, jump, draw, write, sing等6个单词与I can…句型结合在一起,借鉴16页的歌曲,赋予语句节奏。让这些单词和句子变成歌谣: Dance, dance, I can dance. Read, read, I can read. Jump, jump, I can jump. Draw, draw. I can draw. Write, write, I can write. Sing, sing, I can sing. d.操练学生练习这6句歌谣。教师让学生以多种形式进行操练One by one; Boys and girls; Groups; Together; Rows. e.学生熟练之后,教师在原有歌谣上,再加上一句。 Dance, dance, I can dance. Read, read, I can read. I can read a little book. Jump, jump, I can jump. I can jump a little higher. Draw, draw. I can draw. I can draw a little tree. Write, write, I can wr ... ...

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