
新教材2019-2020学年上学期高一自主先学Unit1 Knowing me, knowing you Period1(reading)原卷版

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:83次 大小:245599Byte 来源:二一课件通
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1. 通过阅读全文,运用一定的阅读技巧,理解文章主旨和文章细节信息。 2. 理解并掌握本节课新的词汇和长难句。 2. 正确面对困难,学会处理问题的方法,从而提高思维品质。 知识点一:读前清障 匹配左边的单词,词组和右边的汉语的意思: 【单词】 1.loose A. (n.)蒸汽 2.steam B. (n.)责任,过错 3.sink C. (n.)忧虑,担心 4.fault D. (n.)呼出的气 5.resolve E.(adj.)控制不严的 6.strategy F. (n.)计谋,策略;行动计划 7.concern G. (v.)使(船)沉没 8.breath H. (v.)解决(问题、困难) 【词组】 9.agony aunt A.祸从口出 10.pull one’s weight B.发泄怒火 11.take a breath C.使失望,辜负 12.let down D.帮一把 13.help out E.做好分内事,尽责 14.let off steam F.知心阿姨 15.loose lips sink ships G.吸一口气 16.in a mess H.组织后卫 17.point guard I.乱糟糟 18.move on J.前行 【答案】1-8 EAGB HFCD 9-18 FEGCD BAIHJ 知识点二:读前思考 1. Write down the most difficult problems to overcome at school, and why. 2. Who you turn to for help when facing a problem? 知识点三:阅读学习 Step1 Fast-reading 1. Read the letters and find out what kind of problems Ben has and who he turns to for help. 2. The best summary of the letters is . A. Ben said something bad about his best friend, and Agony Aunt told him to apologies to his friend B. Ben was angry that his team was let down by some members, and Agony Aunt told him to take it easy C. Ben didn’t play well in the match, and Agony Aunt advised him to apologies to his teammate. D. Ben was in an awkward situation, and Agony Aunt gave him suggestions as to how to deal with his problems 【答案】 1. He cannot deal with the awkward situation; Agony Aunt 2. D Step2 Careful-reading Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 1. Why does Ben feel angry when his team lost the last basketball match? 2. What did Ben’s best friend do after Ben told him something about the point guard? 3. What does Ben need to do according to Agony Aunt’s suggestions? 【答案】 1. Because he is crazy about basketball, and pretty good at it. 2. His best friend went and told everyone what Ben had said. 3. First, apologies to his teammate. Then, talk to his friend. Thirdly, think about his own behavior. Step3 Post-reading After reading the passage, please fill in the following blanks. Ben wrote to Agony Aunt for help because of some problems. He was1. (disappoint) with his teammate because he felt the team were let 2. by him. So he told his best friend that his teammate was3. (blame), just letting4. steam. However, his best friend went and told everyone else 5. he had said. Therefore, Ben felt embarrassed and ashamed, and he doesn’t know what to do. Here are Agony Aunt’s 6. (suggestion). Firstly, he should apologies to his teammate, need to work together, and that means communicating with each other clearly and 7. (resolve) conflicts. Secondly, he should tell his best friend he is angry with him for 8. (repeat) what he said and making the situation 9. (bad) ,but he wants to move on. Thirdly, don’t say too much when he is angry. Take 10. deep breath, calm down, and always remember ... ...

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