
Unit6 Look at my toys!(第1课时) 课件 (34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:1823089Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件34张PPT。Grade ThreeBook OneUnit 6 Look at my toys!The first periodcarcarLet’s learnshipplanebikekitekiteballflash cardsI show you sayLet’s play:What's missing?bikeWhat's missing?kiteWhat's missing?planeWhat's missing?shipWhat's missing?carWhat's missing?ballarcarcardparkfarmbike kite fine nice fiveship miss fish dig tipplane name cake makeball tall hall mall smalltoy boy look book cookplanetoykiteshipbikeballcar0.1秒的挑战 说出单词 挑战眼力!toy.ball--I have three balls--I have a--How nice !--They are nice !..Let’s count and talkcar--I havetwo cars--I have a--How nice !--They are nice !..a bike--I have three bikes--I have --How nice !--They are nice !..a ship--I have two ships--I have --How nice !--They are nice !..a plane--I have three planes--I have --How nice !--They are nice !..a kite--I have two kites--I have --How nice !--They are nice !..car, car, car, I have a car . How nice! How nice! bikes, bikes, bikes, I have bikes They are nice! They are nice! Let’s chant! 学习小贴士1 在清辅音(如p,k,c,ck等字母的发音)之后的s读/s/ [口诀:清清] ships ,bikes,books 2 在浊辅音和元音之后的s读/z/ [口诀:浊浊,元浊] balls, planes, cars 3 ts读/ts/ kites ds读/dz/ 4 在擦音(如ce,ge,ch,sh,s,x的发音之后)的es发/iz/ boxes buses fishes 不规则变化的名词复数没有统一读法,因词而异,需逐个记忆。I have a .I have .I have .I have .I have .I have .shipcarsbikesplaneskitesballsLet’s listen and choosekites/carsbikes/kiteplanes/carsball/kitesballs/shipsship/shipsThank you Goodbye

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