
Unit 1 What's he like? PB Read and write 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:4552156Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。英语人教·五年级(上册)Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it upPart B Unit One what’s he like?New wordshim 他speak 会说,会讲(某种语言),用(某种语言)说话finish 完成,做好robot 机器人Read and writeTask1:Listen and snswer the questions.Q2:What's he like? _____Q1:Who made(制造)it? _____Wu Yifan's grandpa.He is shotr but strong. but 表转折“but”一般意为“但是;而”。 作连词, 表示语意上的转折,在句中起到连接词与词、句子与句子的作用。 课本原句:Robin is short but strong. 例句: Our music teacher is old but funny.知识点1 知识点2 speak说某种语言speak 在句中意为:会说、会讲(某种语言),其后接表示语言的名词。课本原句:He can speak Chinese and English. 例句: Can you speak English?×√×√√√√His nameHeHehelpfulspeak EnglishWilliamTips: 1.听录音前,先仔细阅读书中的句子,确定听音的重点。2.听录音时,注意听录音中出现的学科名称,并圈出与相应的单词。 friendly funnyLet's wrap it up听力原文2.Girl: Who's your music teacher? Boy: Mr Grey. Girl: Is he funny? Boy: Yes, he is. 1.Boy: Hey! That's Miss Chen.She's my maths teacher. Girl: Really? What‘s she like? Boy: She's friendly. 知识点 be动词“三兄弟”am,is,are被称为Be动词,与不同的人称连用:课本原句:I am helpful./He is funny./They are old. isisisareare 1.I am from China. 2.You are my friend. 3.Mike and Jonh is my good friends. 4.They isn't students. arearen't判断句子正(√)误(×),并改正。 √ √××MAIN SINCESummary听、说、认读词汇:robot、him、 speak、 finish Be动词(am,is,are)的用法 Homework1.选一位自己的老师进行描述。 2.做本课时活动手册配套练习。

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