
专题07 看图写句子和情景交际归纳、训练-2019-2020学年七年级上册英语期末备考知识点(仁爱版)(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:2672128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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福建2019-2020学年七年级上册看图写句子和情景交际归纳、训练 一、购物 do some shopping / have a look Welcome to ../ thank you / Thank you anyway What can I do for you? / can I help you? Can I try it on? / you can try it. You’re nice on it. I’ll take it. / here you are. Here is your change 2、电话用语 This is xxx. Who is speaking? / May I speak to xxx? Speaking, please./ Sorry, he/she isn’t in/here. Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number. Please hold on / wait a minute Can I leave a message? I’ll call him/her tonight. Call …back 三、建议性句子 help oneself (to sth) ? would like = want? Would you like some eggs? = Do you want some eggs? What would you like to drink? = What do you like to drink? Give me some meat. = Give some meat to me. Why not have some milk? Let’s me see.?? May I take your order? = May I help you? What about…?= How about…? What do you think of the coffee? =?How do you like the coffee? Would you like to have dinner with me? --Ok. I’d love to / I’d like to ,but I have to….. 四、问时间 What time is it? = What’s the time? = Could you tell me the time? It’s time to do sth.=It is time for sth. 五、提问和描述颜色 1.What color is that cap? 2.Do you have a red ruler? 3.His pants are blue 4.The girl in a yellow dress is Maria. 5.Kangkang is in a black cap and blue shoes. 询问长相 I have a small mouth, but Kangkang has a wide one. Do you have long legs?回答:Yes,I have. .Kangkang and I look different /Kangkang and I don’t look the same, but we are good friends. What does Jane look like? 自我介绍 1.My name is Kangkang. /I’m Kangkang. 2.I am/come from China. 3.My telephone number is... 4.I’m 12 (years old). 5.I’m in Class 4,Grade 7. 6.Kangkang and I are in the same grade,but in different classes. 一、情景交际 1.那咱们九点在我家见面吧。 2.请问几点了? 3.现在2: 15 4.该吃午饭了。 5.你最喜欢的食物是什么? 6.你真好 7.谢谢你帮助我。 【答案】Let’s meet at 9 o’clock at my home. What time is it,please?/What’s the time,please? It’s a quarter/fifteen past two It' s time for lunch. What’s your favorite food? It’s very nice of you. Thank you for helping me.=Thank you for your help. 1.为什么不去购物呢 2.我是lily(电话) 3.你这个星期天有空吗? 4.你想出去吃饭吗? 5.他没有书。 6.好主意 【答案】Why not do some shopping This is lily speaking. Are you free this Sunday? Would you like to go out for dinner? He has no book. =He doesn’t have a book. That is a good idea 1. 我能为你做什么 2.不用谢” 3.你穿上它看起来真漂亮。 4.你的外套多少钱? 5.我要买下它 6.你觉得这条黄色的裙子怎么样? 7.用于别人无法提供对自己的帮助或自己不需要别人帮助的礼貌答语。 8.你想要多少的茶? 【答案】What can I do for you? Not at all.=You're welcome.=That's all right.=That`s OK. It looks very nice on you. -How much is your coat ? We’ll take it.相当于We’ll get/have/buy it What do you think of this yellow skirt? Thank you all the same.=Thanks all the same/anyway. How much tea would you like? 1.请随便(吃/喝) 2.去参观颐和园怎么样? 3.我想要吃些苹果。 4.我午饭通常吃米饭 ... ...

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