
Lesson12 Be Safe on the Way 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:14次 大小:4903Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson12 Be Safe on the Way 教学设计 一、教学目标: 知识与技能目标:1学生能听懂并理解这个简单的故事 2学生要问答关于这个故事的问题 3学生要分角色,用自己的语言表演这个故事 学习策略目标: 1学习时要精力集中 2鼓励学生积极利用英语和他人交流。 3积极与同学合作,共同完成任务。 情感态度目标: 使学生时刻注意路上交通安全,遵守交通规则。 文化意识目标: 了解加拿大小学生在上学路上的交通安全问题。 教学重难点: 1教学重点:学生能听懂并理解这个简单的故事 学生要问答关于这个故事的问题 2教学难点:学生能分角色用自己的语言表演这个故事 教学准备: 多媒体 PPT课件 教学过程: Class Opening Greeting Let’s sing a song. New Concepts This story is about being safe on the way to school. The four students talk to each other and help each other. Being safe is an important thing in our life and helping other can make you happy. 2、How do you go to school? Do you know how to keep safe on your way to school? Can you tell some other safety rules? We should obey the traffic rules. We must stop when the lights are red. We should look carefully both left and right when we cross the roads. When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt. Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking. We often go to school by buses. We should wait in line, and follow the rule "First get off, and then get on". If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer traffic accidents. 3、Talk about the pictures Picture1: What can you see? What are they doing? Play the video. Picture2: What do you see in this picture? What are they doing? Are they happy or unhappy? Play the video. Picture3: What do you see in this picture? What are they talking about? Play the video. Picture4: Who are talking in this picture? Are they happy or unhappy? Play the video. Picture5: What do you see in this picture? What are they doing? What do you think they are talking about? Play the video. Picture6: Who do you see in this picture? What are they doing? Are they happy? Play the video. Picture7: Where are the kids? What do they wear on their body? What do you think they are talking about? Play the video. Picture8: What do you see in this picture? What are they doing? Play the video. Read aloud. Read and match. Read in groups. Act it out. Read and tick. Check for understanding: Can you say some safety rules? Class Closing Homework: Do and oral retelling of the story for their parents.

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