
Unit 1 Review 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:21次 大小:8810Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit1 课时 1 教学 目标 (一)知识: 1. 掌握下列四会词汇:  house,study,kitchen,toilet,floor 了解认读单词: bedroom,living room,bathroom   2. 运用学到的短语和现在进行时简单地会话。 (二)能力:   1. 在创设的情境中运用所学的知识,使语言交际能力进一步提高。   2. 通过对话,初步学会用英语描述房间,为学会生活打下基础。 (三)情感:   激发积极的情感因素,培养与人交流的能力。 重点 难点 重点:现在进行时的运用 难点:灵活运用现在进行时,进行口语交际 教具(学具)准备 ppt,notebook 教材 及 学情 分析 本课主要是通过复习我们第一单元所学的房间单词以及短语,运用现在进行时态进行口语练习。在教学中我采用情境教学法,让学生在实践中体会学习英语的乐趣,多说,多练、多做,学会口语传递信息,同时养成学英语的好习惯。 教学过程 复备 Greeting T:Who has a watch? T:What time is it? T:it’s 9 o’clock,Time for class. Let’s get to work class. Good morning,boys and girls. What day is it today? How’s the weather today?How do you feel? New concepts 1.(ppt出示保定温度图片) T:What’s the temperature? (ppt出示不同国家温度图片) T:What’s the temperature in…? (ppt最后出示美国温度图片) T:What’s the temperature in the U.S.? T:The temperature in the U.S. is warm. 2.(出示Gary图片) T:Do you know him?He is my brother Gary.He lives in the U.S. He works there.He will show us his house. 3.出示house图片 T:1.What’s this? 2.How many floors are there? 出示kitchen图片 T: 1.What’s this? 2.What can you do in the kitchen? 出示bathroom图片 T:1. What’s this? 2.What’s in the bathroom? 出示study图片 T:1. What’s this? 2.What can you do in the study? 出示bedroom图片(three) T:1. What’s this? 2. What can you do in the bedroom? 出示Living room图片 T:1. What’s this? 2.What can you do in the living room? 4.T:How many rooms are there in Gary’s house? 5.Group work Can you describe Gary’s house? There be句型用法 6.(出示房子简易图) Can you describe my house?write itdown 7.T:Today is Thursday in the U.S. Gary is not at home .Where is he? 8.(ppt出示两幅幅Gary工作图片一幅Louis上课图片) T:Where is he?What is he doing? Where are they?What are they doing? 9.T:Which tense we have used just now? 总结进行时态 10.practise: 1.shows some students’ photos and ask students to describe their photos. 2.ask other students say something about the photos and show themselves. 三:homework: Try to describe your home and your family and write it down. 用所学的句型进行问候 出示温度图片进行一问一答,练习如何问温度 出示具体图片复习房子以及房间单词,孩子们容易理解记忆 通过问题,孩子们回答,复习所学短语 小组练习 Writing 现在进行时态的输入 引入本班孩子图片进行练习,孩子们更有兴趣 作业练习小作文 板书 设计 Unit1 kitchen bathroom--toilet study Gary’s house bedroom: Gary’s bedroom Roy’s bedroom Louis’ bedroom    living room ... ...

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