
四川省2020年中考英语二轮专项复习测试题—名词(精编中考真题 带答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:1300326Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四川省2020年中考英语专项复习测试题—名词 Name_____ Grade_____ 命题点一 名词辨析: 1.语境辨析。   2.近义词辨析。 3.固定搭配。熟记各类常见短语的含义及用法。 (  )1. (2018天津)Every year many foreign friends come to see the _____ of Tianjin, such as Tianjin Eye and Haihe River. A. concerts   B. plays   C. cartoons    D. sights (  )2. (2018重庆A卷)—It's hot today. Have some _____,please. —No, thanks. I'm not thirsty at all. A. water B. potatoes C. bread D. cakes (  )3. (2018重庆B卷)It's cold today. Take your_____ with you when you go out. A. knife B. coat C. brush D. key (  )4. (2018河北)Your_____ is very helpful. I guess I'll take it. A. secret B. advice C. promise D. purpose (  )5. (2018河南)—Are you going out with Jade tonight? —That's my _____. Mind your own! A. offer B. business C. question D. chance (  )6. (2018山西)During the next few days, I decide to have a good _____ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax. A. meal      B. sleep        C. rest (  )7. (2018 安徽)Cathy has such a good_____that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A. sleep B. idea C. voice D. time (  )8. (2018江西)Some old people need a _____because they feel lonely. A. gift B. stick C. pet D. watch (  )9. (2018福州)—Who is the person you admire the most? —Qian Xuesen, the Father of China's Missiles. He is the _____ of China. A. leader      B. pride        C. voice (  )10.(2018武汉)—Look, the boss is angry with Alex. —Well, he came late again. But that's no _____ to shout at him. A. problem B. lesson C. excuse D. reason (  )11.( 2018大连)Cambridge is famous for its _____. Many famous people studied there. A. university B. hospital C. bank D. museum (  )12. (2018大连)It might be cool in the evening. You'd better take a(n)_____. A. umbrella B. sweater C. wallet D. camera (  )13. (2018黄冈)—Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony? —Sure. Mom will be mad if she sees this_____,I think. A. matter B. mess C. trouble D. difficulty (  )14. (2018滨州)—Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou? —Yes, she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great_____. A. surprise B. achievement C. education D. satisfaction (  )15. (2018德州)Bill will be a/an___to interview the football players in the coming Rio 2018 Olympics. A. guest B. reporter C. tourist D. engineer (  )16. (2018达州)—Why did Lucy look unhappy? —Because she was so careless that she made many spelling _____ in her homework. A. friends B. plans C. decisions D. mistakes (  )17.(2018温州)When an earthquake happens, I think the most important safety_____is to keep calm. A. rule B. doubt C. condition D. problem (  )18. (2018衡阳)—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other_____ now. A. choice      B. reason        C. habit (  )19. (2018自贡)—How can I get some _____ about the 2018 Olympic Games? —Why not search the ... ...

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