
Unit 3 Our animal friends Period 1 ReadingⅠ同步练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:1189583Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版 七下 Unit 3 Period 1习题 一、单词填空 1. When dogs find someone strange, they usually _____. 2. Do you know what this signal m____? 3. When there is a fire, a wet _____ can help a lot. 4. At the _____ (底部) of the bottle, there is some sugar. 5. When I got to the hotel, the clerk l____ me to my room. 二、单项选择 ( )1. My mother ___ me ___ TV after I finished my homework. allow; to watch B. allow; watching C. allowed; to watch D. allowed; watching ( )2. — I ___ up at 5 am this morning, so I am very sleepy now. — Take good care of ___. A. wake; you B. woke; yourself C. wake; your D. woke; you ( )3. — Did you find your lost dog ____, Mrs Green? — No, I ____. So I am sad now. A. anywhere; don’t B. anywhere; didn’t C. somewhere; don’t D. somewhere; didn’t ( )4.Then he heard the ___ of a fire engine. It was music to his ears. noise B. voice C. sound D. singing ( )5. The guide book will tell you how ___ care of the flowers. A. take B. taking C. takes D. to take 三、补全句子 1. 我妈妈允许我周末上网。 My mother ___ me ___ surf the Internet on the weekend. 2. 为了见到那个著名歌手,我们提前两小时到达了机场。 To meet that famous singer, we ___ ___ the airport two hours earlier. 3. 两个小时后,他睡着了。 Two hours later, he ___ ___. 4. 最后,那位好心人把我们带到了那个动物园。 Finally, that kind man ____ ____ ___ that zoo. 5. 在老师们的帮助下,我的英语变得越来越好了。 ____ ____ ____ ____ teachers, my English is becoming better and better. 四、阅读理解 Everybody?wants?to?be?healthy.?You?know?food?is?very?important.?There?are?many?healthy????oranges,?apples,?bananas,?more?have?can?You?foods.?and?fruits?because?lettuce?and?tomatoes??vegetables?are?good?for?you.?But?don’t?eat?too?much?chocolate.?It’s?not?good?for?you.?But?don’t?eat??too?much?chocolate.?It’s?not?good?healthy?food.?Healthy?food?can?make?you?grow?and?make?you??strong?and?happy.?Remember?there?is?a?saying,?“An?apple?a?day?keeps?the?doctor?away.”?Sports????Get?up?early?and?do?some?sports?every?day.?Don’t?be?lazy!?You?will?be?can?also?keep?you?healthy.??healthy?and?happy.???? 1.?Which?is?right?_____???? ? A.?Everybody?is?healthy.? B.?We?want?to?be?healthy.? C.?We?are?important.?? 2.?What?are?healthy?foods?? A.?Fruits?and?vegetables. B.?Bananas,?apples?and?chocolate.?? ???? C.?Fruits?and?chocolate.???? 3.?Why?are?healthy?foods?good?for?you?? A.?They?make?you?happy._____???? B.?They?make?you?grow?strong.?? ???? C.?They?make?you?grow?and?make?you?strong?and?happy.???? 4.? “An?apple?a?day?keeps?the?doctor?away.” means _____ A.?The?doctor?goes?away?when?he?sees?an?apple.???? B.?The?doctor?runs?away?when?you?give?him?an?apple.???? C.?You?eat?an?apple?every?day?and?you?can?be?healthy.???? 5.?What?keeps?you?healthy??_____???? A.?Fruits?and?vegetables. B.?Healthy?food.?? ???? C.?Healthy?food?and?sports. 参考答案: 一、单词填空 1. bark 2. means 3. towel 4. bottom 5. lead 二、单选 1-5 CBBCD 三、补全句子 1. allows; to 2. arrived at 3. fell asleep 4. led us ... ...

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