
浙江外研版初中英语九年级下学期Module 1Travel Unit 3 Language in use 同步练习(含答案及解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:1248104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 浙江外研版初中英语九年级下学期Module 1 Unit 3 同步练习 单词拼写(词汇运用) 1.用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Mr Wang is one of_____(popular) teachers in our school. 21教育网 (2)There are some_____(photo) on the wall. (3)What do you think is the most useful_____(invent)? 21·cn·jy·com (4)I have a pen friend_____(name) Jane. (5)We're trying our best_____(save) the endangered animals. 2.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 (1)--I'm going t (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)o play football this Saturday. What's your p_____? ?--I'm going to have a piano lesson. (2)The invention (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)of Concorde was a huge s???? forward in airplane history. (3)Don't walk a??????? the street until the traffic stops. (4)The plane will t??????? off in ten minutes. 二、翻译 3.根据汉语提示完成句子 (1)--_____?_____(多长)is the river? ? --It's about 3,000 kilometres. (2)They could (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?) travel at_____?_____?_____(两倍多) the speed of sound. (3)_____?_____(确保)that you get there in time. (4)They walked for (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)a while and_____?_____?_____(停下来休息)a rest. (5)The box is_____heavy for me_____(太……而不能……)carry. 21教育名师原创作品 4.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。 (1)吸烟有害于你的健康。 Smoking _____ _____ _____ your health.? (2)这个学期期末有考试吗? Are there any exams _____ _____ _____ _____ this term?? (3)他走得太慢而不能跟上我。 He walked _____ _____ _____ catch up with me.? (4)英国航空公司4793号班机于16时50分抵达伦敦。 Flight number BA 4793 will _____ _____ London at 16:50. (5)他花了半个小时做完这项工作。 _____ _____ him half an hour _____ _____ the work. 句型转换 5.句型转换 (1)They were late for school because it rained heavily. (对画线部分提问) ? _____ _____ they late for school. (2)The bottle is filled with water. (改为同义句) ? The bottle is _____ _____ water. (3)We did some sightseeing in Hainan (改为同义句) ?We _____ _____ _____ in Hainan (4)They went to Yunnan last summer. (对画线部分提问) ? _____ _____ they go to Yunnan ? (5)Zhang Ming was six when he started to play table tennis. (对画线部分提问)21*cnjy*com ?_____ _____ was Zhang Ming when he started to play table tennis ? 四、选词填空(词汇运用) 6.根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式。 something; place, spend; through; seat sea popular, slow ??? Modem life i (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)s not possible without travelling. The fastest way to travel is by plane. With a modem plane, you can travel in one day to _____?which it took a month or more to get to one hundred years ago. ??? Travelling by train is _____than travelling by plane, but you can see beautiful places _____?the windows. Modem trains have comfortable _____?and dining cars. They make the long journey pleasant. ??? Some people prefer to travel by _____Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to _____a holi ... ...

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