

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:72次 大小:33818Byte 来源:二一课件通
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巴楚县第一中学高一年级期末考试英语试卷 时间:90分钟 分值:100 分 英汉互译(每小题1分,共10分) 1.set down _____ 6.心烦意乱的 _____ 2.a series of _____ 7.不得不,必须 _____ 3.on purpose _____ 8.经历,经受 _____ 4.in order to _____ 9.在户外 _____ 5.face to face _____ 10.参加,加入 _____ 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分) ( )11.I _____ like bananas A. am no B.don't C. not D. doesn't ( )12. She ____ English very much now. A. is liking B. likes C. liked D. is teaching ( )13. Does she have a watch? – Yes, she _____. A. have B. do C. has D. does ( )14. Father usually _____ his newspaper after dinner. A. reads B.read C. reading D. is reading ( )15. ____your parents at home last month ? A.Is B.was C. are D. were ( )16.I ____ 15 years old last year. A.Is B.was C. are D. were ( )17.What ___ you _____ last week? —I bought a bag. A. do ,buy B. did , bought C. did, buy D. do, bought ( )18.He ____basketball yesterday afternoon. A.played B.plays C. play D. playing ( )19.He _____ there at ten tomorrow morning. A. will B. is C. will be D. be ( )20.She is_____ school tomorrow. A. Go B. go to C. going D. going to ( )21.The children are___ TV. A. watch B. seeing C. watching D. reading ( )22.Look! Mary___ doing____ homework. A. is; one's B. is; her C. are; his D. are; her ( )23.Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes, they___. A. aren't B. do C. don't D. are ( )24.I ____my homework. A. had finish B. finishes C. has finished D. have finished ( )25.They____ got to London A.haven’t B. not C.hasn’t D. hadn’t 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) 据短文选择最佳答案。  Hello! I'm Bill Smith. I'm twelve. This is my sister, Jenny. She's ten. We are from the USA. But now we are in China. My father is an English teacher in a school. My mother is a doctor. They work hard.  At school I have a friend. His name is Ben Jones. He's twelve, too. He's from England. We all like China. 26. What's my friend's name? _____. A. Bill. B. Ben. C. John. D. Jenny. 27. Where is Ben now? _____. A. In China. B. In England. C. In the USA. D. In Canada. 28. What's Jenny's last name? _____. A. Jones. B. Smith. C. Bill. D. Ben. 29. What's name of Ben's father? _____. A. Jones. B. Smith. C. Bill. D. Jenny. 30. Where's Jenny from? _____. A. China. B. England . C. Japan. D. The USA. B Mr. Johnson looked at his watch. It was half past seven. He got out of bed quickly. Then he washed and dressed. He was late as usual, so he did not have time for breakfast. He ran all the way to the station and he arrived there just in time for the train. Mr. Johnson never eats anything in the morning. He always says to his friends at the office: “It is nice to have breakfast in the morning, but it is nicer to lie in bed!”  31. Before he got out of bed, _____.    A. he washed  B. he dressed   C. he looked at his watch    D. he watched TV  32.Why did he get out of bed quickly? Because_____.    A. he was late B. he didn' t have breakfast    C. he had to run all the way  D. he looked at his time table  33. ... ...

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