
Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip Lesson 32 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:99次 大小:11500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版精通英语四年级下册 Unit 6 Lesson 32 一、内容分析 本课是《精通》小学英语四年级下册 Unit 6中的第2个新授课,本课是一节会话课。本课的重点单词为giraffe和camel。新授句型为时间问答语句: What’s this in English? It’s a/an…. 本节课采用普米课件辅助教学。 二、教学目标: (一)知识与技能: 掌握单词giraffe和camel. 理解并运用重点句型:What’s this in English? It’s a/an…通过情景,让学生在理解的基础上恰当运用所学语言进行交际。 (二)过程与方法: 通过应用普米软件软件的多种功能如:神奇墨水功能,隐藏功能,拖动副本功能等,培养学生的合作能力、交际能力,敏锐的观察力和快速反应能力。 (三)情感态度与价值观: 通过应用白板的多种功能等激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,让学生在学习动物单词的同时,并让学生懂得动物是人类的朋友,我们应该保护它们。 三、教学重点:giraffe和camel.等词汇,以及句型What’s this in English? It’s a/an… 四、教学难点:能够运用语言根据情境进行真实自然交流。 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warming up Presentation Practice Homework: Greetings: 1. Hello ! How are you? I’m ok! 2. Opposite words. T: I say big. 3. I say you do. Touch your… Act like a … 1. Teacher let students find the animals in the forest with the magic mirror, and use the key sentences “What’s this in English? It’s a/an…”to ask and answer.At last, lead in the new word “giraffe”. 2. Teach the new word “giraffe” 3. The plural form of giraffe. Use the computer, teach students the plural form of giraffe. 4. Lead in the key sentences.” The giraffe is so tall. It has a long neck.” T lets students use the right adjectives to describe the giraffe with the sentence patterns: “ The giraffe is so…”” The giraffe has…” 5. T lets students use the magic mirror to find the animals in the desert, then lead in the new word “camel” 6. Let’s judge. Give students some words which contain the letter ”a”, and let students judge their pronunciations whether are the same with letter “a” in camel. 7. Let’s chant. Give students a chant and let students consolidate the two new words. 8.The dialogue (1)Watch the flash and answer the questions. (2)Listen and read. . (3)Role-playing 1. Can you spell them? Teacher lets students make the two new words with given letters to help students to consolidate the two new words. 2. Make up a new chant. Let students work in groups to make a new chant with the given pictures and key sentences. 3. Share some good sentences about animals with students. 1. Write down the new words and sentences. 2. Finish the 17 homework. 1. Hi ! I’m fine. thank you. And you? 2.Say the opposite words. Ss: I say small. 3. Sing the song together. 4.Play a game to review more numbers. 1. Use the magic mirror to 1. Find the animals and use the key sentences to ask and answer. 2. Try to learn the new word. 3. Try to learn the plural form of giraffe, 4. Use the right words to describe the giraffe. 5. Try to find the animals in the desert, then try to learn the new word “camel”. 6. Judge the pronunciations of letter ”a” in different words. 7. Try to learn the chant and re ... ...

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