
Unit 1 My day Part B Let’s talk 课件+素材 (20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:8085837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件20张PPT。Unit 1 My day英语 五年级下册人教版PEP Part B 第四课时 Let's try—Let's talkEnjoy a songwatch TVplay ping-pongwash clothesgo shopping———What do you do on the weekend? ———I often …Let’s tryshoplibraryschoolWhat is Sarah doing in this shop?Where is Sarah? Listen and circle.Let's talkListen and answer1. Why is sarah shopping today?Because her mother worked last night.2. What does Sarah do on the weekend?She often watches TV and plays ping-pong with her father. She usually washes her clothes. Sometimes she cooks dinner.That sounds like a lot of fun.That sounds good.like + 名词形容词That soundsThat sounds _____ nice. That sounds _____ good. That sounds _____ a great idea. That sounds _____ delicious. That sounds _____ my sister. That sounds _____ a sad story. That sounds _____ wonderful.Practice\likelikelikeLet's talkListen and repeatLet's talkRole play请注意单词发音及语音语调Fill in the blanksGroup workHOMEWORKPractice the dialogue with your partner.

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