
Unit 2 Wonderful holidays. Lesson 13 课件(17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:14320640Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 13 Unit 2 Wonderful Holidays 版本:清华2011课标版一年级起点 2019年度“一师一优课、一课一名师” Let’s read! bought some flowers helped cook dinner helped wash the dishes helped wash clothes made a Mother’s Day card gave her a big hug did things at home What did you do for your mother on Mother’s Day this year? bought some flowers did things at home helped cook dinner helped wash the dishes helped wash clothes made a Mother’s Day card gave her a big hug …. When is Father’s Day? June 16th Father’s Day It’s onJune 16. When is Father’s Day this year? a big hug (拥抱) a tie What can we do to show our love to our fathers? What are these in English? monkey bars bumper cars (条,棒) (防撞物) Write a name for the story. Let’s share the stories about you and your father. What will you do for your father on Father’s Day this year? Group work:(4人小组合作,调查并汇报) Name Things buy socks/ a tie/a shirt/… do things at home cook food my father likes help wash the dishes give him a big hug make a Father’s Day card say “Thank you,Father!” say “Happy Father’sDay!” …. What will you do for your father on Father’s Day this year? Like father,like son. 有其父,必有其子。 A proverb(谚语): Homework: 1、Copy the proverb: Like father,like son. 3、Don’t forget to say “Thank you, Father!” and “Happy Father’sDay!” on that day. 2、Do something for your father on Father’s Day. Bye!

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