
Unit 1 Dream Homes Task My dream home 课件29张

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:58次 大小:11897871Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Dream homes Task Let’s chant! The grass is green, the sky is blue, The air is clean, the day is new, The wind blows, the clouds play, The river flows, beautiful day, beautiful day! flat house Which is your dream home, a flat or a house? at the foot of a hill near a lake near a river near the sea Where is your dream home? with a swimming pool with a garden with a balcony What is your dream home like? What is in your dream home? a living room a bedroom a study a kitchen a dining room a home cinema Which is your favourite place? And why? a living room a bedroom a study a kitchen a dining room a home cinema What do you usually do in the living room? What is your bedroom like? Can you say something about your kitchen? You can have meals in the dining room. What else can you do? Is it the best place to do your homework? Why? Would you like a place like that in your deam home? Why? Complete the questionnaire below with your own information and then talk about the questions with each other. Part A Task 1 Home in different countries Home in different countries Last name :_____ First name :_____ Age :____ Telephone number :_____ What kind home do you live in ?Put a tick (√)in the box. House How many floors are there in your house ?_____ Flat How many floors are there in your building ?_____ Do you have a garden ? _____ How many rooms are there in your home ? _____ How many people are there in your home ? _____ Who are they ? _____ Put a tick (√)in the box next to the things you have in your home . balcony □ computer □ fridge □ living room □ shower □ sofa □ study □ toilet □ washing machine □ Wang Adeline secret 15052904477 My name is ____. I’m ___ years old. My telephone number is ____. I live in a ____. There are _____ rooms/floors in my / house. My home has many rooms and things. They are_____. There are ____ people in my home. We are a happy family. According to your questionnaire(问卷调查) on Page 16. Talk about your dream homes. Listen to the article about Simon’s dream home. Answer the following questions Task 2 It’s at the foot of a hill. There is a kitchen and a home cinema. He would like to invite his friends to watch films with him. 1.Where is Simon’s dream home? 2.What’s on the ground floor? 3.What would Simon like to do at the weekend? My dream home My dream home is at the foot of a hill. It has three floors. There is a football field behind my house and a swimming pool beside it. There is a kitchen and a home cinema on the ground floor. The kitchen is very clean. There is always more than enough food there. The cinema has a large TV. I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend. On the first floor, there are six bedrooms. Each room has a new computer and all the beds are comfortable. My friends like to come and stay here. There are two large rooms on the second floor. My friends and I have parties there. It is great fun! Simon's d ... ...

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