
2020年中考英语一轮分册综合训练九年级units 13-14(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:1137640Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2020年中考英语一轮分分册综合训练九年级units 13-14(含答案) 一、单项选择。 ( )1. — I saw Miss Li in her office just now. — No, it _____ be her. She has _____ Guilin and will come back next Monday. A.mustn't; gone to B.mustn't; been to C.can't; been to D.can't; gone to ( )2. — Hey, John.Could you please tell me _____? — Certainly,in Tokyo. A. when the 2020 Olympics will be held B. when will the 2020 Olympics be held C. where the 2020 Olympics will be held D.where will the 2020 Olympics be held ( )3. As middle school students, we _____ follow the public rules wherever we go. A.would B.should C.might D.could ( )4. Would you please _____ the light? I can’t sleep well with it on. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn to D. turn around ( )5. Our school life _____ a Jot since 2017, We have more activities now. A.changes B.changed C.will change D. has changed ( )6.- Mom._____ I go to the cinema with my best friend Mary tonight? - Sure, but you_____ finish your homework first. A.can; must B.can:mustn’t C. may; could D. may; can ’t ( )7. — Roy never likes junk food. — Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming_____ now. A. healthy and healthy B.more and more healthily C. weaker and weaker D. healthier and healthier ( )8.—_____ these past three years, which teachers will you miss most? —Mr. Jiang. He's helped me a lot. A. Looking back at B. Looking for C. Looking through D.Looking after ( )9. Linda _____ an expensive gift for her birthday,but she didn't _____ it. A.accepted; received B.received; accept C.accepted; receive D.received; accepted ( )10. —Remember _____ to my daughter's dance show next Friday. — Of course I will. I will never forget _____ her dance for the first time last year. A.to come; to see B.coming; to see C. to come; seeing D.coming:seeing 二、完形填空。 On Tuesday, forest workers in northern China's Saihanba(塞罕坝) Forest Farm have received a UN environment prize for their outstanding contribution(贡献). “As an ordinary worker on the farm, I am really1_____ by the prize,” said a forest worker, Zhao Fuzhou. “The prize should 2_____ three generations(一代) of foresters, ” said Zhao Zhenyu, 78, one of Saihanba's first foresters, who began planting 3_____ on what was then lonely land in the early 1960s. After years of hard 4_____ , Saihanba is now a huge forest covering about 930 square kilometers. Now the 5_____ in Saihanba purifies(净化)137 million cubic meters of water and produces half a million tons of oxygen every year. “Fifty?five years of efforts tell us that when one generation of foresters after 6_____ spares no effort to improve the environment, they will 7_____ ,” Zhao Zhenyu said. “Saihanba has turned degraded land into 8_____ one, part of a new Green Great Wall that will play a part in helping to protect millions of people from air pollution,” Zhao Zhenyu said. Liu Haiying, head of the forest farm, said that the forests which have restored have the ability to produce huge benefits. ... ...

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