
Unit 2 Can I help you. Lesson 7 课件(33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:62次 大小:6731264Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Can I help you ? Unit 2 Lesson 7 Read the second paragraph and answer What does the saleswoman say? (售货员说了什么?) Can I help you? I’d like a toy ,please 二、模仿对话 1、模仿对话跟读 2、分角色跟读男生女生、小组分角色跟读对话。 3、表演对话。 4、评价。 5、找关于颜色的单词游戏。 Bingo game 三、Listen and talk. 1、复习学过的玩具单词。看图片,读单词,拼写单词,跟读单词。 car Red nice bus yellow new bike blue old train green long ship white big boat black small 2、做对话,设置情景,五一假期买什么物品,价格是什么,和售货员之间的对话写下来。 3、展示学生练习情况 4、评价 例子: A:Can I help you? ?B:I want to buy a toy bike. A:which one do you like? B:I like the red one. How?much?is?it?? A:?It’s?20?yuan. B:OK! Here you are! A:Thank you! 五、评价 I think you are a good saleswoman/salesman. 六、拓展 选择喜欢的物品写对话 可以是玩具,可以是身边的物品,要说出它的大小以及颜色等信息。 Fill in the blanks(填空) : Can I help you A: ———? B: I’d like a_____,please. toy A:How about this toy_____? bus B:It’s too big. A:How about this toy_____?It’s small and it’s_____. B:____ _____. We’ll _____ it. car cheap All right take Writing: My favourite toy Introduce your favourite toy. (What colour is it? How much is it? Why do you like it? ……) ——— ——— ——— ——— _____ 3--4 sentences 5--6 sentences 7--8 sentences 9--10 sentences 10 sentences ↑ 七、用展台展示学生作品 评价 Can I help you? Can I help you? I’d like a toy. a toy, A toy, How about this toy car? toy car, Toy car, All right, all right, We’ll take it. Can I help you? I’d like a toy, please. How about this monkey? Oh, it’s lovely. I’ll take it. 八、Homework 1. Finish the exercises. 2. Write the words. Everybody has the colourful day. Life is full of sunshine.

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