
Unit 2 What time do you go to school ? 话题写作课件: Friends 29张PPT

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:52次 大小:3200000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 写作话题: Friends (朋友) Step 1(first :words) Step 2(second :make up 组织sentences Step 3(third:make up article) Step 4(forth:practice) the steps of writing Step1: words Ready? Go how to discribe the appearance外貌 … height build Height tall medium height short heavy thin medium build Build Hair short hair long hair curly hair straight hair Hair 头发 long straight black hair 长短+卷直+颜色 short /long 长短straight/curly 直卷 black /blonde… 颜色 hair build thin heavy medium build height tall medium height short Ready to Steps 2 ? Congratulations to pass Step1! 祝贺你通过第一关! Step 2: make up sentence 连词成句 Ready ? go tall short of medium height A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is… Height heavy A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is... of medium build thin Build A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She has... Hair short curly blonde hair long straight black hair has short hair has long hair has straight hair has curly hair has black hair has blonde hair is tall is short is of medium height is thin is heavy is of medium build He/She have/has长有,留有 眼睛大/小 have big/small eyes Congratulations to pass Step 2! 祝贺你通过第2关 Ready to Step 3? Steps 3: make up article Ready? Go He is a famous actor and host(主持人) He is a humorous(幽默的) man He is of medium height. He is heavy. He has short straight hair and a big nose. He is good at talking about cross talk(相声). He is Some clues(线索): Guessing Game Congratulations to pass Step 3! 祝贺你通过第3关! Ready to Step 4? Step4: Have a try by yourselves! 自己试一试! Ready? Go _____ _____ _____ _____ My best friend 每个人都有自己的好朋友。你心目中最好的朋友是谁,长什么样?请你以“My best friend”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文来描述你的好朋友。 要求: 1. 80词左右; 2. 语言规范、意思连贯、表达完整。 Step1 Think and Fill(想一想,填一填) 审题 体裁:_____ 人称:_____ 时态:_____ 第三人称 一般现在时态 记叙文 以“My best friend ”为题 1. 我好朋友的基本信息 2. 他/她的长相、穿着 3. 你喜欢的原因 beginning Ending Step2 Structurize (列一列 ) Body 评分表 项目 标准 自我评价 同伴评价 教师评价 结构 (3分) 段落合理 (2 分) 衔接自然 (1分) 内容 (8分) 要点1:你好朋友的基本信息 (2分) 要点2:你好朋友的长相、穿着 (2分) 要点3:你喜欢他/她的原因 (2分) 拓展合理 (2分) 语言 (3分) 词汇丰富 (1分) 句法正确 ,语言优美( 2分) 卷面 (1分) 书写工整( 1分) 优秀作文分享: My best friend My name is Jim, Jack is my best friend. Let me tell you what he looks like. First of all, he is very tall and handsome. He has straight brown hair but he doesn’t wear glasses. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports shoes. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. 开门见山,道出好朋友的名字。 直接点明喜欢自己朋友的原因,升华主题。 从他的外貌、穿着等方面描述自己的好朋友,逻辑清晰,层次感强。 My best friend Everyone has his best friend. I also has a best friend. Her name is Mary, a middle school student. Let me ... ...

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