
Unit 1 My day PB Let’s talk 课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:3114968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。B Let’s talk人教PEP五年级下册Unit1 My day1. 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话; 2. 能根据课文对话情景进行角色表演; 3. 能在生活语境中运用What do you do on the weekend? I …来交流周末活动。>>Learning aimsWhat do you do on the weekend?do my homeworkwatch TV>>Warming upRead it quickly!>>Lead inListen and circleWhere is Sarah?>>Lead in答案>>PresentationShopkeeper: What do you do on the weekend? Sarah: I often _____ and _____with my father. I usually _____. And sometimes I _____.watch TVplay ping-pongwash my clothescook dinnerShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today?Sarah: My mum worked last night. So I’m shopping today.Shopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend?Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.>>PresentationShopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun.Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner.Shopkeeper: You’re so busy! You need a robot to help you!>>PresentationShopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend?Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner.Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun.Read it quickly>>Presentation>>PresentationWhy?worked last nightWhat?oftenusuallysometimesShopkeeper: _____ are you shopping today? Sarah: My mum _____ _____ _____. So I’m shopping today.Fill in the blanksWhy worked last night >>PracticeShopkeeper: Good girl! So ____ ___ ____ ___ on the weekend? Sarah: I _____ watch TV and play ping-pong _____ my father. what do you do often with>>PracticeFill in the blanksShopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working. I _____ wash my clothes. _____ I cook dinner. Shopkeeper: You’re so busy! You need a robot to help you!usually Sometimes>>PracticeFill in the blanksWhat do you do on the weekend?_____ I cook dinner.__ _____ wash my clothes._ often _____ and _____ _____. I watch TV play ping-pong I usually Sometimes >>PracticeFill in the blanksusually > often > sometimes (90%-80%) (70%-60%) (50%-40%)always (≈100%)Clap and say>>PracticeRole playTIPS: Pay attention to the words “worked”, “sounds”.>>Practice>>PracticeWhat do you …?What do you do on the weekend?I ...1. 听读对话。 2. 根据对话内容,写两句话,说说自己的周末生活。 3. 预习B Let’s learn。Homework

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