
Unit 1 My day PC Story time 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:5079644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit 1 My day Part C Story time 人教PEP五年级下册go shoppinggo for a walkplay sportseat breakfasteat dinnertake a dancing classclean my roomdo morning exercises闪电侠What do you do ...?... watch TV eat ice cream play football clean your room Zip: It’s Saturday now. Zoom, I’m always very busy. Zoom: Why?Zip: Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon.Zoom: What else? Zip: On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun.Zip: On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend? Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. I’ll play the pipa. Zoom: When? Zip: Saturday, at 12 o’clock. Oh, no!2. Zip often collects nuts on Thursday. ( ) Fast reading(快读): True (T) or False (F)3. Zip often eats nuts on Friday. ( ) 1. Zip usually dries nuts from Monday to Wednesday. ( ) TF4. Zip often watches TV on the weekend. ( ) TFcollects nutsdries nutsQ1:What else does Zip do this weekend?Careful reading(细读) Q2:Why does Zip look so hurry(慌乱的)? ( )He’ll _____. A. Because he is ready for the show. B. Because he may be late (迟到) for the show.play the pipa in a showBRole playAct out the story.What do you learn from the story?Remember your time, and don’t be late!1. Listen and read the story . 2. Act out the story with your partner.Homework

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