
Unit 2 Neighbours Integrated skills课件27张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:5893806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit2 Neighbours Look at some pictures and answer 1. What is he/she? 2. Where does he/she work? doctor He works in a hospital and help sick people. 生病的 policeman policemen police station policewoman policewomen postman two postmen post office an office worker /'k?mp?ni/ She works for a big company. manager /'m?nId??/ an artist cook in a restaurant Millie also wants to know more about different jobs. But she doesn’t know some of them. Can you help her? postman office worker manager policeman police station restaurant company post office What’s his job? (He is in charge of a company) manager What’s his job? (He works in a company.) office worker What’s his job? (He is a member of the police force) policeman What’s his job? (His job is to collect and deliver letters and packages that are sent by post) postman Wendy, Millie’s penfriend, is talking about her family members’ jobs. Listen to her and complete the table below. policeman police station manager restaurant postman post office office worker company Person Job Place Wendy’s dad Wendy’s mum Wendy’s elder brother Wendy’s elder sister Listen and complete There are five people in Wendy’s family. Her dad is a _____. He works in a _____near her school. Sometimes he works _____. Her mum works in a _____ in the town center. She is a _____, so she is always busy. Her elder brother works in a _____. He is a _____. He often goes to work _____. He loves his job. Her elder sister is an _____. She works for a _____ far away from her home, so she goes to work by train. policeman police station at night restaurant manager post office postman by bike office worker big company Ask your partner about his / her family member’s jobs. Tell us something about your partner’s family. A: What does your father / mother / elder brother / sister / uncle / aunt / do? B: She / He is… A: Where does he / she work? B: She / he works … A:How does he / she go to work? B: … Millie is talking with her classmates about their future jobs. a teacher a computer engineer an artist a doctor a football player What are the students going to be? Why? Name Jobs in the future Millie Daniel Sandy Amy Simon singer(歌手) writer(作家) actor(演员) salesman(售货员) farmer(农民) cleaner(清洁工) pilot(飞机驾驶员) boss(老板) lawyer(律师) editor(编辑) director(导演) scholar(学者) scientist(科学家) artist(画家) doctor(医生) model(模特) TV reporter(电视台记者) guide(导游) List more jobs What are you going to be in the future? Why? A: What are you going to be in the future? B: I’m going to be a/an ... because … How about you? A: I’m going to be a/an ... because … Work with your partner, make a dialogue like this. All of you want to have a good job. But do you know how to make it come true? You should work hard ! Everyone has a beautiful dream. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. You must work hard to make your dream come true! Where there is a will, there i ... ...

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