
Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Welcome to the unit课件41张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:14次 大小:3727817Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Comic strip & Welcome to the unit If your friends come to visit you at the weekend, where can you take them? shopping mall go shopping Presentation cinema watch films football field play football restaurant have a big meal Chinese food Western food / 'west?n/ adj. exchange students from the UK Sunshine Town I like _____ I enjoy _____ I love playing _____ I love watching _____ shopping Chinese food football films Look at the pictures and complete what each person is saying like/enjoy/love doing… supermarket cinema shopping mall school restaurant museum park theatre things to do places to go playing football eating Chinese food watching films going shopping Sunshine Cinema Chinese restaurants the football field Sunshine Shopping Mall Millie Amy Simon Sandy a restaurant b cinema c football field d shopping mall The Class 1, Grade 7 students are suggesting places for the exchange students to visit. Listen to their conversation and match the students with their ideas. Read and fill in the blanks. Names Suggestion(建议) Daniel Amy Simon Sandy watch some films take them to the shopping mall take the boys to the school football field invite them to have dinner Millie: The exchange students are coming. _____ we take them to the _____? Daniel: Sure. We can _____ some wonderful films together. Amy: Shopping is ___. We can take them to the shopping mall too. Simon: Yes, and I’d like to take the boys to our school’s _____. Sandy: _____ we invite them to _____ with us? They can ___ some Chinese food. Daniel: Good idea! fun football field Shall try cinema Shall have dinner watch Try to fill in the blanks below. Let’s do sth. What / How about doing sth.? Why not/ Why don’t you do sth.? Shall we do sth.? had better do sth.. 最好做某事 How to make suggestions Group work Work in groups of four and talk about what you can do in your hometown. Eddie’s old friend is coming to visit him. What will he do for his friend? Listen and answer the questions. 1. Is there any food in the fridge? No, there’s nothing in the fridge. 2. How much money do Hobo and Eddie have? 3. How many tins of dog food can they buy? Five yuan. None. Read & Act 1. an old friend of mine 我的一个老朋友 mine 我的,I 的所有格 Millie is an old friend of ____ (I). 2. wait a minute 等一会儿 _____ (稍等片刻)。 I’m coming. mine Wait a minute. Language points: 3. order a pizza 预定个比萨 Eddie wants _____ (order) a pizza. to order 4. exchange students 交换学生 The exchange students are from the UK. 这些交换留学生来自英国。 5. take … to … 把……带到…… Please ____ these books __ the library. 6. invite … to … 邀请(某人)参加 Let’s _____ the cinema.(邀请交换留学生) take to invite the exchange students to Sentences Let’s … Let’s go shopping this afternoon. Shall we …? Shall we watch a film tonight? I’d like to … I’d like to have Chinese food. How many/much …? How many tins of dog food do we ... ...

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