
Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c 课件27张PPT

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:6879708Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 Will people have robots? Grammar Focus (3a-3c) Learning Aims: 1.Master the simple future tense. 掌握由will 构成的一般将来时,会用will 构成的句型来预测未来的生活、环境等。 2.Learn to use “more/less/fewer” 学习正确运用more, less, fewer修饰名词。 When I was just a little girl,   I asked my mother What will I be?   Will I be pretty?   Will I be rich?   Here’s what she said to me: Que sera, sera,   Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours to see.   Que sera, sera,   What will be, will be. (世事不可强求,顺其自然吧) Music Let’s predict! Make predictions! I’m going to be a teacher in 10 years. What are you going to be in 10 years? = I will be a teacher in 10 years. Will you be a professional (专业的) basketball player like Kobe? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.(= will not) Will you be an astronaut like Yang Liwei? Yes, I will./ No, I won’t.(= will not) I won’t be an astronaut like Yang Liwei. Will sb. live in Beijing in the future? Will sb. have a job in the job? Will sb. be in college in 5 years? Will sb. have a child in 10 years? Yes, sb. will./No, sb. won’t. 1. 一般将来时的肯定形式:_____, will可缩略为____. 2.否定形式是在_____后加____, 可缩写为_____. 3.变一般疑问句是把_____, 肯定回答用_____, 否定回答用_____. 4.特殊疑问句:_____ 助动词will+动词原形 will not won’t will提句首 Yes,主语+will. No,主语+won’t. ’ll will 发现 归纳构成 疑问词+一般疑问句? 观察 先独立思考 再小组讨论 Group Work: 未来不是梦 01 Report: 试一试预测你们的未来 I /She/He will be a teacher/… in 10 years. (职业) I /She/He won’t live in Beijing… (居住地) I /She/He will be taller ….(外貌) ….. What will happen to the earth in the future? 01 There will be more people . many--more--most 人 从 众 森 林 木 There will be fewer trees . few--fewer--fewest There will be less room (空间). little--less--least more 意为_____,是_____和_____ 的比较级,more用于修饰_____. fewer 意为_____, 是_____的比较级,用于修饰_____. less 意为_____,是_____的比较级,用于修饰_____. 更/较少的 few 可数名词复数 更/较少的 little 不可数名词 更/较多的 many much 可数名词复数和不可数名词 发现 归纳 more, less, fewer There will be more people . There will be fewer trees . There will be less room (空间). 观察 Fill in the blanks with more, less or fewer. 1.In the future, there will be _____fresh water because there will be_____ pollution in the sea. 2. In 100 years, there will be_____ cars because there will be _____ people in the cities. 3. There will be_____ jobs for people because _____ robots will do the same jobs as people. 4. I think there will be_____ cities because people will build_____ buildings in the country. 5. In 50 years, people will have _____ free time because there will be _____ things to do. 课本P51 3a less more more more fewer more more more less/more more/fewer Will there be more robots? Yes, there will. No, there won’t. Will there be less pollution? Yes, there will. No, there won’t. Will there be fewer car ... ...

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