
人教版高一英语必修二 Unit 5 Music单元同步基础训练题

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:39次 大小:48130Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5单元同步基础训练题 I: 单项选择 1. She went to court and accused him     ?? cheating. A. for     ?B. of    ?C. about     ?D. with 2. When Peter was away on business, his neighbor gave his wife  ?? with the housework. A. an aid    ?B .a help   ?C. a hand  ??? ?D. a lift 3. People can    ???????? badly to certain food additives. A. act     ?B. react   ?C. create     ?D. active 4. How much do you    ???? for mending shoes? A. charge   ?B. spend   ?C. take   ?? ?D. cost 5. When people think of this brand, they always    ? it with good quality. A. associate  ?B. advertise  ?C. combine   ?D. trade 6. I don’t know much about China;   ???  , I can’t advise you about it. A. however  ?B. otherwise  ?C. therefore   ?D. but 7. In many countries, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning _____ them. A. attaching with?B. attached with?C. attaching to?D. attached to 8. She armed herself   ??? the interview by finding out all?   ?? she could about the company in advance. A. with; /   ?B. for; /    ?C. for; what ?D. with; that 9. It took some explaining to?   ??? my ideas  ???   . A. get; across   B. get; over??? C. get; cross ?D. get; through 10. — I’m afraid I can’t finish the magazine within the required time. — _____. A. Please go ahead? B. That’s right?? C. Not at all ?D. Take your time 11. The words of my old teacher left a?   ?????? impression on my mind and I am still influenced by them. A. long   ?B. lively    ?C. lasting    ?D. forever 12. Before you make a speech, you should _____ your thoughts and ideas. A. get     ?B. take    ?C. bring   ?D. collect 13. The thing that   ?????? is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. A. cares    ?B. matters   ?C. considers   ?D. minds 14. We must keep our classroom clean for dirt and disease go???????   . A. from time to time?B .hand in hand?C. one after another?D. step by step 15.?   ???? alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry. A. Leaving ?B. Having left? ?C .To be left ?D. Left 16. How much did the hotel  ?????  ? you for a room for the night? A. ask     ?? ?B. cost    ?C. take    ?D. charge 17. Nowadays, some stars like   ???? because they can   ????? a lot of money. A. advertisement; bring  ?B. advertising; make C. to advertise; earn     ?D. making advertisement; make 18. It is said that he is the manager of the company. In other words, the company is _____ him. A .in charge of ?B. taking charge of? C. in the charge of?D. under charge of 19. — Who is to   ???????? for the accident, you or I?— I don’t know. A. scold    ?B. be blamed   ?C. blame   ?D. criticize 20. The old was sentenced   ??? for 10 years but he appealed?  ??? another count. A .in the prison ;over        ?B. in prison; to C. at the prison; against       ?D. in a prison; against 21. He p ... ...

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