
Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before 课件 (共33张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:76次 大小:111024391Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件33张PPT。Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before. Jobs SongWomen I know do many jobs.This woman is a painter. She paints pictures every day.This woman is a boss. She does business every day.This woman is a truck driver. She delivers things every day.This woman is a teacher. She teaches students every day.This woman is a zoo keeper. She feeds animals every day. I will do a job one day. But I must study hard now.What does his father / mother do?Can you guess : Who is she /he ?Lingling is in the UK with Sam and Amy.Now, she is introducing her grandparents' jobs to Amy and Sam. Watch and answer: What did Lingling's grandma / grandpa do before ?What did Lingling's grandma / grandpa do before ?My grandma was a driver before.My grandpa was a flute player before.Read and choose:1.What did Grandma drive? A. bus B. train 2.What music did Grandpa play? Western music B. Chinese music She drove a bus.He played Chinese music.Can Lingling play the flute well ?No, she can't.Listen and imitate: 1. Lingling’s grandma was a driver before.2.She drove a car.3. Lingling’s grandpa was a guitar player before.4. Lingling can play the flute well.T FT FT FT FRead and judge:bus.flutecan'tLingling: This is my grandma. She young in this picture. My grandma a driver before. Sam: What did she ?Lingling: She a bus.waswasdrivedroveLingling: This is my grandpa . He was in this picture. My grandma was a flute before. youngplayerSam: What music did he ?playLingling: He Chinese music.playedCan you retell ?firefightertaxi driverbus driverpoliceman_____Words Bank: fire station消防站_____Listen, choose and complete the table. factory workerteacherpolicemanwriterdriverhousewifeShe is a now.beforenowShe was a before.Job changes :She worked in ... She helped sick people. She helps patients(病人). She works in ... He is a now.beforenowHe was a before.Job changes: He worked in ... He made potato chips. He ... He works in ... She is a now.beforenowShe was a before.Job changes: She worked ... She ... She takes care of the family. She works... He is a now.beforenowHe was a before.Job changes: He worked in a police office. He helped people. He articles(文章). Can you talk about the jobs of your family members ? My grandma/grandpa/father/mother was ... before.My grandma/grandpa/father/mother is ... now.He/She ...He/She ...What did you learn today ? Every job can be interesting, meaningful(有意义的) and contributory(有贡献的).What do you want to do when you grow up ? What do you want to do when you grow up ? I want to be... I want to ... Homework:1. Listen and imitate the dialogue 3 times. 2. Talk with your partners about the jobs of your family members. 3. Read the picture book: THANK YOU

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