
北师大版七年级英语下Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 2 A dangerous job 教学课件 (共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:24次 大小:1835522Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) fire n. 火;火灾 firefighter n. 消防员 training n. 训练;培训 drive v. 驾驶,开车 dangerous adj. 危险的 difficult adj. 困难的;费力的 interesting adj. 有趣的;有吸引力的 safe adj. 安全的 What do you think a firefighter’s job is like? (e.g., Is it interesting?) Key Words: Adjectives boring, dangerous, difficult, easy, important, interesting, safe Example: I think it’s dangerous. Read the text and put the numbers in the blanks. Then listen and check. 3 5 39 911 Keys: a. 39; b. 5; c. 3; d. 911 Read the text again and complete the schedule. _____ get up 6:00 _____ _____ have breakfast 8:30 _____ 12:00 have lunch _____ go for skills training 22:00 _____ 5:20 training starts 7:00 run 5 km 14:00 go to bed Read the text again and complete the schedule. _____ get up 6:00 _____ _____ have breakfast 8:30 _____ 12:00 have lunch _____ go for skills training 22:00 _____ 5:20 training starts 7:00 run 5 km 14:00 go to bed Read Paragraph 1 and answer: 1 : How many people are there in Jim’s room? 2: When do they get up every day? 3: What does he think of tidying his room? 4: What do they do at 6:00 am? 5: How many firefighters are there in his team? Eight firefighters. At 5:20 . It is boring, but he has to do it. Training starts with team exercise. 39 firefighters. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blank: One hour _____, Jim _____ breakfast. He _____ _____ eat very fast because he _____ have _____ time. Then he _____ at 8:30 in the morning. He always _____ 5 km. It is not _____ at all. later has has to doesn’t much runs runs easy Read Paragraph 3 and answer: 1. What does Jim do after lunch? 2. What does he do at 14:00? 3. How many skills does he practise? What are they? 4. What does he do after dinner? 5. When does he go to bed? He gets some rest. He goes for skills training. 3 skills : driving, firefighting and communicating. He has some free time. He goes to bed at 22:00. Read Paragraph 4 and translate: 1. Well, this is our life when things are fine. 2. If there is a fire or someone calls 911, we have to stop everything and get out fast. 3. We must try our best to keep everyone safe. 4. Things can be dangerous and difficult, but I think I have an important and interesting job. 好吧!这就风平浪静时我们的生活。 如果有火灾或有人打911报警,我们必须停止一切活动并迅速出发。 我们应该尽全力去保证每个人的生命安全。 虽然我的工作可能很危险而且艰苦,但我认为我拥有一份重要且有趣的职业。 1. It is boring, but we have to do it. (收拾房间)挺无聊的,但是我们不得不做。 have to do 不得不做……,必须做……。 e.g. I have to get early every day. 我每天都得早起。 We have to drive on the right in China. 在中国,必须靠右侧行驶。 2. At 6:00, training starts with team exercises. 六点钟,训练以小组练习开始。 start with 以……开始。 e.g. Our English class often starts with an English song. 我们的英语课经常 以一首英文歌开始。 3. We must try our best to keep everyone safe. 我们必须尽最大的努力,确保所有人安全。 1) try one’s ... ...

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