
Unit 5 Lesson 2 It’ s on the first floor 课件(44张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:91次 大小:109071603Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件44张PPT。classroomIs this the…? teacher's officeIs this the…? labIs this the…? Watch and answer.classroomart roommusic roomWhat places are they talking about?她们在谈论学校的哪些地方?Where's the ...??ddbflirdth第三oor(楼房的)层thedbflirfst第一oor(楼房的)层theThis is ...It's on ...It's on ...自己读一读,让新知识住在你的脑海当中吧Read by yourselves.同桌角色扮演,注意语音语调,准备好,我们要做配音演员喽~Read in pairs.(小小配音员)最佳记忆小明星Good Memory Starart roomWhere’s the…? It’s on the… floor.It’s on the… floor.music roomWhere’s the…? It’s on the… floor.It’s on the… floor.labWhere’s the…? It’s on the… floor.It’s on the… floor.teacher's officeWhere’s the…? It’s on the… floor.It’s on the… floor.Penfriend (笔友) friendart room art room labmusic room teacher's office classroom playground Net reading room 网络阅览室 Reading garden 阅读花园 This is our school . This is the music room . It’s on the third floor. It’s nice. This is the art room . It’s on the second floor. It’s cool. This is the teacher's office . It’s on the first floor. It’s big. Our school is beautiful! Welcome to our school! This is the ... It's on the ...Can you help me to introduce our school to Mary? (你能帮我为Mary介绍我们的学校吗?)Zhangdian Xiangruiyuan Primary Schoolmusic roomlabcomputer roomdancing roomart roomEnglish roomXiangruiyuan Primary SchoolHello! This is our school! This is the... It’s on the…floor. It’s big/nice…Xiangruiyuan Primary SchoolHello! This is our school! This is the... It’s on the…floor. It’s big/nice…Tips: 1. Stick(将功能室图片放到正确楼层) 2. Talk(小组成员讨论准备) 3. Show(小组展示,要求声音洪亮,语音语调清晰) 只有满足要求,你的信才会寄出哦!Xiangruiyuan Primary SchoolHello! This is our school! This is the... It’s on the…floor. It’s big/nice…Homework:Preview Lesson3 . (预习第三课。)

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