
Unit 2 Lesson1 Let’s stop and wait 课件+素材 (共46张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:33804440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件46张PPT。Unit 2 Good BehaviourLesson 1 Let’s stop and wait.Traffic lightsStop.dog stophotsorryhop/?/ bus stop (名词)站点Let's stop. (动词) 停止Wait.Go.Stop.dog crossoftenstop/?/meet seestreet/i:/Wangfujing street, Beijing? 北京王府井大街Yonge Street Canada (加拿大) 世界上最长的街crossstreettheRed light, red light. Stop, stop, stop. Yellow light, yellow light. Wait, wait, wait. Green light, green light. Cross the street.chantWhat do they want to do today?aunt ieWhat do they want to do today?They want to go to the zoo.They want to see the pandas.Listen,then underline the answers.Open your books and turn to page 16. 打开书翻开16页划出答案。The light is ____ now. Let’s _____. stop and waitred Look before you cross the street.The light is red now.Let’s stop and wait.Traffic safety is everyone’s business. Records show that erery year a lot of people die in the traffic accidents because of disregarding traffic rules. 交通安全关系到每个人的利益。据记录显示每年有很多人因为不遵守交通规则而在交通事故中死亡。We should obey the traffic rules on the street. Cherish life! 遵守交通规则,珍爱生命!Look! Here comes the bus.get onLet’s_____ the bus.Don't _____. Let's _____. pushwait in lineDon’t push.wait in lineWaiting in line is a good behaviour in public places.Let’s review the good behaviours on the street .Listen and repeat.Good morning, auntie.Good morning, Li Mei . What do you want to do today?I want to go to the zoo . I want to see the pandas.Ok. I ’ll go with you.Look before you cross the street.The light is red now. Let’s stop and wait.All right.Listen and repeat .Oh ,so many cars.Look ! Here comes the bus.Don’t push, Danny .Let’s wait in line.Hurry up. Let’s get on the bus.Oh,sorry.Listen and repeat .Read the text in roles.小组分角色朗读课文。Group show.Tips: 1.Read the text. 2.Act it out .Let’s chant.Before you cross the street, Look, look, look. The light is red, Let's stop and wait. Get on the bus, Please don’t push. Wait in line. Yeah!You are very good.The light is green now. A BLet’s talk. Let’s_____.Let’s_____.A BLet’s talk. Let’s talk. 3Let’s talk.Don't _____. Let’s_____.Don't _____. Let’s_____.Don't _____. Let’s_____.The light is red. Let's stop and wait.Don't _____. Let’s_____.Don't _____. Let’s_____.Don't _____. Let’s_____.What have you learnt? Keep good behavior on the street.Good Behaviour on the streetLook before you cross the street.The light is red now. Let’s stop and wait.The light is green now. Let’s cross the street.Don’t push. Let’s wait in line.Homework 1.(必做)Listen and repeat the dialogue . 2.(选做)Make a poster about traffic rules.

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