
人教新课标必修2 Unit1 Cultural relics Warming up and reading课件(22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:1597478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Unit One Cultural relicsGuessing game !Tell me the nameThe Great Wall one of the seven wonders of the world4.He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 1. It has a long history.2.It is the symbol of China and its culture.3.It was used to protect our country.Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)India1.It is located(坐落) in India. 2.It is the grave(坟墓) a king built for his wife. 3.It showed the deep love of the king and queen.The Pyramid Egypt1. It was built during 2700-2500 BC . 2. It was used as the emperor ’s tomb.(国王的坟墓) 3. It is the symbol of Egypt and its culture.Mogao Caves1.It is made up of 492 caves. 2.It lies at the rock side of the Mingsha Mountain in Gansu province. 3.It’s worth the name of art treasure(艺术瑰宝).Do they have anything in common? symbols of their countries and culturesfamousa long historytell us stories about the pastCultural Relics What is a cultural relic ?A cultural relic is something that has s_____ for a long time. It is often a part of something old that has r_____ while the rest of it has been destroyed. A cultural relic tells people about the past. It is usually r____ and v_____.urvived emainedarealuableremainrarevaluablesurviveWhat is it used for?amberbeautiful yellow-brown color like honeyrare It is 12 times the price of gold.valuableIn search of the Amber RoomWhere is it now? a treasure made of several tons of amber and also decorated with gold and jewels the Amber RoomParagraph 1: Paragraph 2-3-4: Paragraph 5:_____to the Amber Room_____of the Amber Room _____ of a new Amber Roomthe rebuildingthe amazing historythe brief introductionFrederick WilliamⅠPeter the Great , the CzarCatherineⅡNazi171617701941The amazing history of the Amber RoomFrederickⅠmysteryThe text tells the amazing history of the amber room in the order of_____.timeWhy was it called the Amber Room? How was the Amber Room made? Because several tons of amber were used to make it.selected design …in the fancy style decorated… took best artists ten years to…Why was it made?It was designed for the palace of Frederick I, the King of Prussia.Why and how did Russians and Germans rebuild an amber room? To celebrate the 300th birthday of their city By studying old photos … To say sorry to the Russians To strengthen the friendship between two countriesWhy did Germans help Russian to rebuild the amber room?Amber Room, the best and biggest work of amber art ever made, was first built for _____ _____ _____ Frederick I. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great as a gift of friendship and _____ _____ he got the Czar’s troop of best soldiers. Thus the Amber Room became part of the Czar’s _____ _____ in St.Petersburg and _____ _____a small reception hall for important visitors. Later,Catherine II told her artists to _____ more details _____ the Amber Room. the palace of winter palace served asadd to in return Unfortunately, in September,1941,when Russia and Nazi Germany were _____ ____,the Amber Room was secretly _ ... ...

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