

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:36次 大小:33215426Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Project Self-assessment Welcome to the unit Reading Reading strategy Word power Grammar and usage Task 2011 12 Welcome to Unit the unit Reading Word power Grammar and usage 1 (p. 1) Teach a man Industries Linking words (p. 8) Building the to fish (p. 2) (p. 6) future An essay (p. 1) Synonyms for Reading strategy: ‘develop’ (p. 7) understanding a title (p. 3) 2 (p. 17) Population The country The elements of a paragraph People on the movement in the and the city (p. 24) move USA (p. 18) (p. 22) (p. 17) A magazine article Sociology Reading strategy: (p. 23) understanding pictures and captions (p. 19) 3 (p. 33) Aids today Stopping bad The development of a text Protecting (p. 34) habits (p. 38) (p. 40) ourselves A TV news (p. 33) transcript Abbreviations (p. 39) Reading strategy: identifying links between paragraphs (p. 35) 4 (p. 49) Fight against The law Language styles (p. 56) Law and order cybercrime (p. 54) (p. 49) (p. 50) A speech transcript Reading strategy: understanding definitions in a text (p. 51) Appendices: Notes (p. 65) Wordlists (p. 73) Irregular verbs (p. 86) UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ssoocciieettyy Self- Task Project assessment Writing about development (p. 10) Reporting on sustainable (p. 16) development (p. 14) Skills building 1: recognizing language that expresses feelings Step 1: asking about life in the past Skills building 2: discussing the future Step 2: interviewing the City Development Council Skills building 3: writing an essay Step 3: writing for a competition Convincing a friend (p. 26) Making a classroom poster (p. 30) (p. 32) Skills building 1: listening for the chain of events Step 1: finding information Skills building 2: answering questions with more than one answer Step 2: talking to a careers officer Skills building 3: using language to convince people Step 3: writing a letter to convince your friend Writing an article giving advice and warnings Making a poster about the dangers (p. 48) (p. 42) of drugs (p. 46) Skills building 1: identifying degrees of obligation Step 1: categorizing notes about warnings Skills building 2: asking for and offering alternatives Step 2: asking a doctor for alternatives Skills building 3: writing warnings Step 3: writing an article for the school newsletter Investigating and reporting facts (p. 58) Making a proposal for protecting (p. 64) intellectual property (p. 62) Skills building 1: identifying the tone of voice Step 1: finding out about a boy’s feelings Skills building 2: asking and answering questions politely Step 2: interviewing a parent Skills building 3: writing a report Step 3: writing a teacher’s report Unit 1 Building the future In this unit, you will read an essay about food and development aid, and a newspaper article about sustainable development listen to a conversation between a student and her grandfather about development talk about helping poor people and interview a government official write an essay on the development of your city or town prepare and present a ... ...

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