
Unit 1 My numbers. Lesson 7 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:7857349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 My numbers Lesson7 Review class Look for friends one two four six eight three five seven ten zero nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 Magic eyes What's missing? What's missing? What's missing? What's missing? Let's count. How many sticks do you have? I have six sticks. Let's count. How many flowers do you have? I have eight flowers. Let's count. How many pens do you have? I have five pens. Let's count. How many flowers do you have? I have eight flowers. Let's count. How many birds can you see? I can see two birds. Ask and answer. How much is one plus eight? One plus eight is nine. Ask and answer. How much is seven minus one? Seven minus one is six. Ask and answer. 4+6= 1+9= 10-2= 6-1= 9-3= 2+2= 2+3= 3+4= I'm _____ years old. Number is_____. Number is _____. Number is_____. Let's say. 7 陕A 65783 13259265783 3#2-1904 One little,two little,three little boys. Four little,five little,six little boys. Seven little,eight little,nine little boys. Ten little naughty boys. Let's sing. One little,two little,three little girls. Four little,five little,six little girls. Seven little,eight little,nine little girls. Ten little pretty girls. Homework 1.听音频,指读三遍。 2.借助玩具、物品,表演对话。 3.唱chant.

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